Spall Generation Missing?

I have noticed that with the recent update involving spalling based on heading angle, the Abrams may have received a possible bug. Spall Generation does not exist if your heading angle is less than 5 degrees.
This is also replicatable both in Protection Analysis and in Matchmaking.
All other MBTs generate spalling from round penetration at less than 5 degree heading. Because of this, the Abrams lineup now have a ‘dead space’ where no spalling will generate until it reaches the Engine Compartment.

Effectively a useless shot as everything turret related is unharmed. Not even the driver will be affected.


Seems like a bug report it if it hasnt been already.

Maybe this will help US win rates:)



This is realistic, as the Abrams has an integrated Depleted Uranium spall liner with spall liner paint lining the interior. You can see the source for that by reading through an article on where they mentioned that the Congress once mentioned that the Abrams could have had a spall liner at some point.

The only problem is that it should apply to the entire tank, and not only on select areas.

Edited - because someone who hates America appears to have flagged the post.

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Already on it

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American BIAS definetly the Abrams deserve a NERF and get it to 15.0 now!!!