SPAA unbalance problem

While flying my 7.7 jets, it doesn’t seem garbage at all, capable of taking me out whitout any warning shot at distances reaching 2km.
And while flying low to perform CAS or down helicopters, you’re always guaranteed to be hit…

Can speak only for myself. I got good at it because I was kinda forced to survive CAS spams. At least one plane is dead every battle due to my Ostwind II … got my best Ostwind II match in a short clip … was really proud of it. I’m a bit afraid what happens if players get better in playing SPAA and pilots are coming here and want a change for that …


Just to be clear, I’m not at all a pilot and I hate CAS deeply at a point that I wish it was removed.

Problem is, it isn’t at the moment so I’m forced to deal with it so I might as well use it to not be left behind or to make other people hate CAS as much as me.

My problem here isn’t CAS, it’s that only one side of the battle can use it and be protected against it (Russia) therefore creating an even bigger unbalance.
I mean Russia isn’t exactly the worst nation in game so it could be a good idea to allow the other side to use CAS too in order to deal with it.

You’re right. Kugelblitz with 77mm pen versus ZSU with 151mm isn’t fair at all (same BR)

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I thought you guys where here for a discussion not a rant :(

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Can you explain? I don’t get what you mean. I don’t want to misunderstand it.

ZSU-23/37 doesn’t have an independent tracking radar, try coordinating with other planes when dealing with one. Full 360* scans take around 20s and ground clutter makes tracker go apeshit at 100m over the ground.

Not flying straight is another way to dodge gun-radar SPAA. The relatively low BR of the Shilka (8.0) and Yenisei (7.7) comes from the fact that both are shit compared to Gepards, Marksmans and DCA (8.3).

M163 is a little overtiered.

Yeah i’ve killed my fair share of 37 while they were attacking other planes but my issue occurs when i’m not aware of their presence and then I just die without any warning shot.

I’ll try the ground clutter method though.

I thought it was Pantsir before I entered. But I found it was Ostwind and ZSU37.
there are 2 possible reasons:

  1. the player who plays them has radar and lock-on and thermal and arcade spotting system (you know what i mean)
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You were complaining that a kugelblitz, “which have excellent anti-air performance at that BR and its so good that it was 100% picked at this season’s Squadron battle” lacks armor penetration against a ZSU-57-2. While ZSU-57-2, can only do anti-ground and i guess in all servers only 0.0001% kills of it is aircraft because it just can’t

Thx for going deeper into that.
I got real big problems with the Kugelblitz on its BR. When I take it into my 6.7 lineup I get many uptiers to 8.0. When I take it into the next useful lineup at 7.7 it gets hard to hit those fast jets.
I lack playtime on ZSU due to I don’t got it (working on it) … one question. It can only do anti-ground? Why it’s in the anti-air category?
Btw squadron battles are also a thing I can’t say anything about it because I just use my tanks in regular realistic ground battles.
It’s just my experience with Kugelblitz and how I came across the ZSU in battle. I just want to understand why things are like they are. Now I really wanna find out how the ZSU performs and will grind my way through.

Skill issue my ***. I’m not a god at this game that’s for sure, but having my entire team stuck on the ground because ennemy team wrecks any plane coming down for CAS is quite annoying.

The Ostwind 2 came as a surprise to me since I ddidn’t think of it as a very good machine. However I have the feeling that a lot of very experienced players use it to sealclub low tiers battles and that’s not fun to play againts.

The ZSU 37 2 is able to take me out while flying at 700kph at 2km from it, and that’s if there’s only one of them. You can dodge it, sure, but the moment you’re maneouvring to dodge an aircraft or perform CAS, you’re dead.

Again, my problem isn’t necessarily the vehicles but the lack of good AAs outside of Russia and Germany at the specified BRs.

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It can definitely perform anti-air but the same way that the big calibers AAs can, that’s not very well except if you’ve got very good aim. Mostly good against helicopters though.

Problem is that people don’t even try to do anti-air since it’s so fast, has so much pen and incredible post pen damage.
The thing is just a very good hellcat, yet a bit bigger.

The game is just like that, you need to do everything and don’t expect too much on your teammate. But from your statement it doesn’t sounds like skill issue. Good luck then

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I disagree the Ostwind 2 is easy to use thanks to its HEFI belt with extreme speedy rounds for the BR (like 200m/s faster). Just don`t use mixed belts, they use the slowest common speed.
So Ostwind II is actually one of the best SPAA at the BR but it is open, so it suffers from that

BTRZD is insane. But the Skink is better in most cases, as it can not be countered by every plane. So a SKink in a cap is the bane of most planes while the BTRZD is a high altitude rocket or strafing
the ZD and Bosverak are a joke. They are using the same gun and are nearly at the same BR yet one is super survivable, has 360° firing arcs, a is far fatser and compacter than the other. The Bos should be 4.3 or 4.7 at best same as skink andf BTRZD should be 5.7 or 6.0

Mostly good against helicopters??? Seriously???
This thing ain’t a WZ305 dude. Doesn’t even have a LRF!
I wonder if that “need very good aim” part is based on proxy shells too.

i wish that the russian zsu 57 had the proxy that the chinese one have, it would make it better than the shilka or the yenisei

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This right here. Just keep changing altitude and course while flying into the battle so they can’t lock you. The majority of SPAA users are not that good and will just aim at the green circle once locked.

As a SPAA user, I can’t count the number of times enemy CAS is just willing to fly right back into the battle, nice and straight making it easy to lead them with shots. It’s even better when I use the 341 with it’s Panther chassis and armor. Lots of CAS will think it’s an open top Ostwind and dive in to strafe.

I’m sorry what is your issue exactly? There are good Ostwind players? There is nothing special about the Ostwind.

Well maybe you can’t use it as an AA but i’ve seen lot of people doing quite well with it