SPAA in 9.0-9.7 GBR need to get buffed?

Hi guys, what are your thoughts about multiple heli’s camping from miles away and sniping to your spawn on 9.0-9.7 BR? if you are SPAA with thermals you can able to spot them, But how about the SPAA without thermals and with much lower tier Radar? should Dev do something about this like make some buff to SPAA’s? or what are your thoughts? Thanks.

Hellfires and Shturms need to be limited to 10.3+, where most nations have the capability to actually hit the thing that’s shooting at them.

Anything with less range is within M247/Gepard/ZSU/Marksman range. Spotting those close helis is fine as is imo. They’re quite loud and having eyes is like the only skill you need at radar SPAA tier. NV/Thermals help, are hardly necessary


The G-Lynx is a particularly egregious example of a 10.0 Heli that has no business being 10.0

ayo? I just realised that it and the AH-6m are the same BR, that’s insane. And of course neither should be because they outrange every 10.0 or sooner SPAA except that french roland

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British Bias!! USA Suffers!

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talking about it where is the difference between french roland and german roland flakrakpw and it being 10.3? the only thing i quickly found is german stock shooting roland 2 and french stock roland 1

French roland has no ACM radar

Everyone here is coping about the helicopters themselves when the real issue is how terribly modeled almost every single 9.0+ SPAA in game is currently. All of the helicopters are fine.

No the G-Lynx hovering in orbit 6kms up where it cant be touched, lobbing hellfires with no repercussion is a big issue

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Re-read what you quoted so I don’t have to repost it.Next. What you said also isn’t real btw.

Wat? I literally faced the issue last game, certain helicopters at 10.0 get access to missiles like the hellfire which allow them to be untouched

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Helicopters do not climb to 6km. They also can’t or they’d be easy prey for any SACLOS SAM or jet. Stop making up shit man.

Let me try this… slower…

Everyone here is coping about the helicopters themselves when the real issue is how terribly modeled almost every single 9.0+ SPAA in game is currently. All of the helicopters are fine.

Read that for starters…



The only 10.0 vehicles capable of countering the G-LYNX are the BMP2M (Maximum AAM range 10km, beam riding) and the french Roland 1 with roland 3s (8km, beam riding)

There’s nothing stopping the glynx from sitting 6km away which would be the same effect as 6km up but alas you are technically correct a glynx cannot fly 6km AGL

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i’m pretty sure no IRSPAA’s missile has the kinematics to reach 8km, even if they could lock it. Thus the craft capable of carrying 8km missiles should be uptiered to face SPAA which can kill them (like rolands)

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Sorry for my exaduration, but the helicopter was approxiately 6-7kms away where it was untouchable by anything my team had, between MANPADS and gun based AA, where if a lock was put onto the heli, it would simply move and fire at the locking vehicle

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i’m pretty sure no IRSPAA’s missile has the kinematics to reach 8km

8km is beyond effective engagement range. Stingers should be able to engage helis currently within their effective engagement ranges.

even if they could lock it

They can do that too

Thus the craft capable of carrying 8km missiles should be uptiered to face SPAA which can kill them (like rolands)

Destroys viability of heli while also being short sighted because again, hellfires already can’t engage effectively at this distance.

G-Lynx isn’t even the worst example…

The Italian A129CBT gets Mistrals, IRCM, and a turret w/ more ammo as well at 10.0.

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It is really hard to play 10.0+ without SACLOS SAM. I’ve got 9.7 line up, but because of latest BR changes, the Leo 2AV got moved up to 10.0. So I faced Ka-50 with my Ozelot Stinger system. No chance, because the Ka-50 was out of the range (FIM-92K range: ≤ 2.7 km against Helicopter).