"SPAA Enthusiasts Unite: War Thunder's Cry for a Dedicated Update!"

Ai will not taking all the work as long range SAM or Flak cannon only force them from staying at very high alt . which usually out of player SPAA effective range . this is very common on Top-tier BR where jet has laser guided bomb or advance CCIP that make them very effective and still able to stay out of SPAA reach. Flak cannon wouldn’t be accurate at all against fast moving targets especially CAS. They will make capter zone worth something to risk for. Even then they still can be disable (for a certain of times or forever if need be) by enemy when they get hit. So Pilots can still work thier way around by targeting these AA placement first.

For Ai infantry with manpads or small AA placement. They should still have a hard time hitting targets or kill anythings at all giving Gaijin can give them mediocre weapons for the BR they’re in and nerf their accuracy down.
They are not there to kill. They are there to interrub enemys CAS from easily killing your team within spawn zone or certain area. And inturn they also act as a objective and cannon fodder for enemy to farm SL or RP . let’s just say it like this “they keep the pilots busy and buy time for your team from getting bomb” That is how they should work.

Hmmmmmm idk, a lot of players have mixed feelings about having Ai in battles. I for one don’t like it. I do like the idea of them keeping the players busy dodging such attacks but again, doesn’t seem too ideal to have personally. Player’s just need to spam thier SPAAGs lol But the issue is they want to play tanks, not SPAAGs.

My Solution:
-Maybe remove the SP Cost of SPAAG/SAM. That way, it won’t cost anyone to spam Anti Air vehicles and give the team a fighting chance to defend themselves. But only allowed to spawn on 2 of them. If you have a back up or another vehicle with the same role. Could be a bit too much to give free spawns so maybe by using the SPAAG/SAM, if you shoot down an enemy, u don’t earn SP like u do with tanks and planes. Adjustments may be needed to balance it. Just an idea of mine.

I’m not worried about Top Tier SAMs since every nation should have a SAM to use except Italy and Israel. They have shorter range SAM so they still need a better longer range SAM imo equivalent to Type 81 C, ADATS, Ito, FlakRakRad, Tor-M1, Pantsir S-1. Japan finally got theirs’s recently and its working very well in keeping the skies clear. Regardless, some of them you need skills to aim except on the Type 81 C…has fire and forget missiles lol

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What is that?

SLAMRAAM on a hummer


Things is forcing player to spawn SPAA wouldn’t alway work. For example there are people who quit after 1 death. Not because they can’t spawn but because they want to spading certain vehicles or they only want to play certain vehicles so they take only 1 vehicle in their line up. Yes issue is that “some” player want to play what they want. Some player didn’t even care to unlock SPAA at all.

Another problem is that normally as soon as enemy knows that there are a lot of enemys SPAA that can effective suppress any of their CAS attempt. They will stop spawning in aircrafts .
which mean those who already spawn as SPAA will have nothing much to do. Now those same SPAA player will start driving to the front line and start feeding to enemy. Because standing still doing nothing bore them.
Not to mention this would make most of CAS life so hard or require lot of effort to be effective that people would barely spawn in them thus also making SPAA turning in to vehicles with auto-cannon as people will play them like normal IFV or light vehicles instead.

So this is why Ai are will be a great addition to game as they can be cannon fodder , objective for player to farm .
They also serve as a back-up AA for team to rely on when they lack proper player in SPAA or SAM vehicles while not being too op.

Actually current CAS at top-tier are quite capable even against SAM vehicles you mention. Especially with player who really “putting in the work” on CAS role.
As i said they can climb very high and stay inside radar dead zone (usually directly above radar head) at high alt they can easily spot any missiles tail. Even if anyone start shooting at them. not to mention radar warning.
With targeting pod they can lock and toss bomb/lauch AGM from 10km+ and let smart guided system do the rest while they’re looking for another targets or evade incoming missiles.

Missiles coming their way ? flare , evasive manuver , fly away. (with nimble agile and fast platform allow them to do that)
Running out of bomb,missiles,flare ? withdraw and land on airbase to rearm. (with how fast they can accelerate + rearm and repair took only 1-3min [because this is a game] this allow them to do that and quicky get on the air again under 10min)

While SPAA or SAM effectiveness are also heavily limit on the current situation and the map they’re in.
For example one SAM spawn in and enemy already pushing their spawn. thus they’re force to stay inside spawn zone which might not have any cover for them to hide from bomb or AGM.
SAM player are now force to do AA while lacking cover and under fire from enemy ground force

For CAS player at worst scenario is that enemy spawn mutiples fighter. So they’re now busy dogfighting or fly away instead of doing CAS and maybe when the match has a really bad weather set.
For example cloud are so thick that it blocking their thermal and visibility

bro i just said, im not using your standards and neither is gaijin.
argument is pointless.

Gaijin 3 logics.
Combat, completeness, and development stage percentage.
Combat->Vehicles that did serve.
Development stage percentage refers to how far in the development of a said design.
Completeness refers to how completed a vehicle is.
If you can’t see that, that is on you.

this reads like it was written in chatgpt

Well I ran it through Gpt after I wrote it to fix spelling and grammatical errors, so it would be easy to read and understand. After all why not use good recourses at your disposal?

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smh, please stop replying man.