"SPAA Enthusiasts Unite: War Thunder's Cry for a Dedicated Update!"

I used to be anti CAS but I got into planes in GRB and never looked back.I have to be in a very bad place mentally to even rage about CAS now.

The game stays the same,CAS stays the same, only my mood changes and that really is the reason I rage quit some games and not others as a result of CAS.Fact is I like using CAS more than I am bothered about being killed by it.
Obviously if you don’t fly you don’t have that option.

As we said,the only way around it is to have a no CAS option,Which is a very old discussion covered many times.

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A proposal like this I’m really kind of against, but I do really like the idea of decompression of brs ( moving more advanced planes up) and straight up blocking premium aircraft from entering grb matches ( like, literally 90% of high tier cas aircraft are premiums nowadays, are they not?).

It existed as much as someone of the other vehicles in the game did…

The biggest problem is that most players use SPAAs as light tanks, rushing caps and flank ambushers, etc. Instead of their intended role.
If more players focused on their main job, CAS would be a lot harder/more costly.
I think if they nerfed or even took away the AP rounds, this would either do the above, or… just make SPAAs less popular. lol. Knowing the WT playerbase, no doubt the later.

Let’s see the R2Y2 was a from documentation either a rumor of proposal for a jet-based bomber. Utilizing the R2Y platform. However the lack of documentation which was burnt or is restricted to Japanese historians specifically can only read them.

The Ho-Ri from the info we understand did have 3 iterations however 1 is unclear.
The Chi-Ri II with a 105 was to be placed into a superstructure.
The wooden small mockup was the Ho-Ri we know in the game. The Production though is what a production iteration may look like as prototypes and production often are different from one another.

The Oswind II has proof that it did exist however it’s very very scarce but we do know from what was described that it was simply 2 37 mm’s placed into the Oswind I turret but was rejected due to the turret being incredibly cramped.

The Maus hull aka V1 was functional. However, the V2 turret was not. Another thing the Maus in the game was either too low and too damn good or too high and horrible.

The Koelian was a real hull but a wooden turret, and trying to claim 2 37mm cannons in a wooden turret would work fine is hilarious due to the violent shake and vibration.

The Tiger 10.5. Never occurred cause the gun itself would have been just too dang on heavy for the Tiger II chassis.

The Panther II was a hull, the turret didn’t exist. The one you see on display in a museum is the only Panther II hull with a Panther G turret.

Are there any more vehicles you want to claim to me do not exist or are you gonna keep insulting everyone who is reading and or lurking? Cause I have all week, and if that isn’t enough then you know the staff watches the community threads so they’re watching as we speak in text format.

Take your pills dude.

Then don’t make a claim if you know you cannot back it up.

You are either misunderstanding my post or confusing with someone else you are fussing with. Either way your response was uncalled for. Go re-read this thread.
Oh and… you’re wrong:

The top SPAAG of most nations are more than capable of dealing with all present threats, ITO, ADATS, Pantsir are all highly capable systems.

Keep in mind it actually require some skill to use SPAAG now, and there is a learning curve. More so, a single SPAAG is not and SHOULD NOT be a hard counter to multiple air, and yet they are in many cases.

900SP to spawn a loaded CAS aircraft and <100SP to spawn almost all SPAAG, there is a balance.


People just have to learn to aim with SPAAG, it’s a skill based Job. Too many player really don’t know how to aim, therefore enemy CAS will always be a threat. Even if they add the other missing SPAAG, players will still require the skills needed to aim, rendering pointless to fill if they cant shoot a plane down. We can give them the best SPAAG there is, but won’t help if they cant aim lol

The only suggestion to this problem is to learn how to aim in test drive mode. Not much else we can do, unless anyone here has better suggestions besides adding vehicles.

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Change the red colored text. Only mods are allowed to use red text.Mods might remove your post if you dont change it.

bro dont try to be the next razervon:

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Though would be nice if all top tier SPAA actually had the SPAA designation and therefore SP cost. ADATS is classed as an ATGM launcher, and perhaps about time we get something like the Tracked Rapier for Britain (and a similar equivalent for US) to not necessarily replace, but compliment them. So you have a choice for a dedicated SPAA system with SPAA SP cost.

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“On 17 January 1945, all development projects were canceled by the Luftwaffe in order to concentrate all possible efforts on only two designs.”

“The operational version was intended to be fired from a ramp or converted gun mount. The project was canceled on February 6, 1945.”

Henschel Hs-117 Schmetterling(butterfly)
“The operators used a telescopic sight and a joystick to guide the missile by radio control,”
“59 Hs 117 missiles were tested, some from beneath a Heinkel He 111; over half the trials failed.”

“Operational missiles were to be launched from a 37mm gun carriage.”
“The Hs 117H was an air-launched variant, designed to be launched from a Dornier Do 217, Junkers Ju 188, or Junkers Ju 388.”

“Among the many development problems, control of the high-speed rocket was a significant concern, leading to the development of a radio control system where the operator sat in a reclining chair so they could see the target as it passed overhead.”

“lack of a suitable proximity fuse, which was required as there was no way for the operator to visually determine when the rocket was close to a target that was directly above it. A radar-aided system was still under development and not ready for operational use.”

F-25: " F-25s had been fired. However, the test results did not meet expectations and so the development of the F-25 was still set before end of 1944."

“With the completion of the development of the F-25, the main interest in the LFA focused on the F-55. This was a remote-controlled 2-stage supersonic”
“further launches of the F-55A2, which demonstrated their unstable flight behaviour. The launch of the improved F-55A3 was aborted on 21 October 1944 because of technical problems.”
“To accelerate the development and to obtain reliable results, on 14 January 1945 it was decided to use the unmodified drive from the Henschel Hs 293”
“The F-55 would have a larger tail for greater flight stability.”
“these changes were scrapped.”

This means none of them were ever utilized in the frontlines and or were incredibly inaccurate due to user error. However, the Henschel Hs-117 Schmetterling could be added to the He-111, Do-217, Ju-188, and Ju-388.

I’ve found what SPAA America is going to get in a few updates time


My opinion is to put some of the AA work to Ai.
For example put long range high alt SAM placement like S-75 or mutiple big caliber Flak cannon into capture zone. That goes active and siding with the team who capture point. or Radar placement that reveal enemys aircraft position once they’re spawn to the team who capture radar.
This will be a direct nerf to high alt bomber (especially top-tier jet with laser guided bomb who can climb very high) and they would make capture zone worth somethings to risk for.

Ai infantry with manpads or small AA placement who shoot at enemys withing range. (might not be much accurate or too deadly against evasive maneuver targets and have less range). They can be put around spawn zone. thus they can act as a spawn protection or warning against aircrafts and they still can be destroy by enemys once team get overrun.

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combat usage is not a requirement from gaijin as we all know and love

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That’s my exact thought. There’s so many 88mm guns scattered around several maps (El Alamein and the Afghanistan maps). At higher tiers they can be replaced by better AA (the Oerlikon 35’s or Bofors L/70 come to mind) Having AI long range SAM defences scattered around the map like the Heli spawns are would work well if used sparingly (only 1 or 2 batteries). Again surrounding each spawn point could be a few guys with MANPADS, 88’s, or 35/40mm making sure that the skies are Safe.

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A majority of the vehicles in the game were serviced. For the Japanese, just because they didn’t see combat, doesn’t mean they weren’t signed off as being in service from a technical standpoint.

Paper designs however were never by any country considered “serviced” and designs that are placed back on the shelf, scrapped are no longer in this technicality. This apply’s to all sides.

We talkin about SPAAG…not SAMs lol but no, i don’t want Ai doing all the work. Players should be the ones doing them for the rewards, so doesn’t sound ideal for Ai to take over.

Just learn to aim. That’s pretty much all there is to do.