SP cost for CAS needs to go up

Actually might want to read the original post in the thread talking top tier. In top tier that loadout would likely just get you shot down immediately.

Top tier is smart weapons and your spawning in cost is like what, 850 or something or a fully loaded harrier GR7 for example? Which would be about 1/3rd a nuke so increasing SP would bring it closer to half a nuke.

Not the best counter to that :)

(edit: For context on my personal stuff, I only got into planes again with the introduction of the harrier, prior to that I didnt use CAS at all and only played air when there were no tanks, I was fine with cas then as I am now. I still mostly only use my top tier attackers in air RB as SAM systems have gotten a bit out of hand really in the power dynamic)

This game is about build your line up to play at the begin with so what you’ve said it more like your problem that you don’t have stuff to counter CAS

CAS CAP Tank or Helicopters i can play anything depend on situations if there a lot of CAS i just spawn jet and go shoot them down

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Oh yeah, CAS dropping their guided turds from 9km out and turning away out of range is what makes SAMs OP, right ?

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The ability to drop from 9km is very iffy, at least for me as a lot of stuff wont render in properly still and you can lose lock easily. Also a certain SAM system that has well beyond that range exists and is usually on the other team.

Almost as if the Pantsir doesnt exist in your mind? Or that maybe people dont want to use laser guided weapons every. single. game? Just isnt fun gameplay for me which is why I tend to if playing CAS use things like the 105G or buccaneer in the 8.7-9.3 zones. Much more interesting fighting radar guns over point and click missiles, sure the yorks etc get me a lot, but its way more interesting and actually a challenge to fight them as neither of us just has to point and click so much.

Though recently I have also gotten into taking the strikemaster out into 7.3 games and that is also a fun blast.

edit: I mean hell for higher tiers, AP belts on tornado or harrier cost like, a couple hundred spawn points on their own, thats a bit OTT.

Top tier spaa could work a lot better if they could find a way to make it not a waste of time. Once a second spaa if on your team, it is a fight to see who gets each kill. Not sure how to change it so that you dont have to fight cas and your team

I’ve seen them drop bombs at around that range plenty of times and simply disengaging, so it’s more than doable.
Also, don’t you think guiding SAMs at targets that far way isn’t very iffy as well ? Especially after the recent nerfs to SAMs, most missiles start having a mind of their own and spazzing out way before reaching 9km, so hitting anything that isn’t afk is a wet dream.

Almost as if other nine (9) countries doesn’t exist in your mind ?
Thinking SAMs are OP just because one country gets a decent one is hilarious.

I don’t want to see CAS every single game, but here we are.

Only thing that’s point and click here are the guided bombs.
Also, I always chuckle when I remember radar guns have to deal with Walleyes at 8.7/9.3 lmao.


Simply put them somewhere where planes are abundant → Air game mode


I own and use the stormer a fair bit, I know iffyness at times but still a very useable SAM system even though most seem to think it the worst in the game.

Only thing that’s point and click here are the guided bombs.
Also, I always chuckle when I remember radar guns have to deal with Walleyes at 8.7/9.3 lmao.

Which is why I dont really use them, if I play top tier CAS I try to play guns and conventional bomb/rockets, however gaijin seems to want to punish me for wanting to use AP belts by putting a massive SP tag on them. The most advanced weapons I use regularly are bullpups on the buccaneer which I dont think anyone would argue is OP CAS really.

And yeah, those other nations also have very effective SAM systems btw ;)

I cant speak much for the laser guided stuff since i dont like using them. For tv, you cant lock tanks past about 6-7km

Never used it but I heard it’s really buggy.

Loads of higher tier stuff don’t have guns, so getting close to them should be a viable tactic.

Never said they aren’t, but at longer ranges (6-7km+) their effectiveness drops off significantly, well within the range of guided munitions.

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Which is what “cover” is good for ^^. Hide and pop out to fire.

Oh it gets worse.

I was playing 6.7 America and got bombed in under 2 minutes from the game’s start. It was a revenge bomb from a guy I killed in 40 seconds.


“euuuuuwewwww SPAA counters CAS”

Good luck hiding something that is the size of a Khrushchevka (or soviet block house)…
And even then, you peak, and shoot (if you can even lock), and then the CAS only has to do some manouvers, or just hide behind a hill.
And i am not even talking about manually guided ones.

And then, even if you hide in a building with a SAM, even a hit nearby will just overpressure it, meanwhile a ~9-10kg warhead exploding less than 3m from a CAS just results in a “hit”, or “critical hit” many times…

Khrushchevka for western people:


And helicopter player! That’s even worse

I have SPAA, in fact I make a point of always playing with the best SPAA I can in my lineups, often researching it first. Heck I even have two crews dedicated to SPAA in my USSR lineup.

Yeah, what of it? I play anything that it calls adaptation unlike you Tanky can’t adapt and cry in the forum.

You conveniently ignored the fact top tier SAMs are often bigger than a house, quite literally, so getting adequate cover is impossible on some maps.
Also, SPAAs often have little to no armor so direct hit isn’t even necessary to kill them, which further reduces the effectiveness of cover.

On the other hand, some planes and literally every helicopter have busted damage models, taking multiple missiles and still flying just fine.

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Easy fix for that.

1- Remove air start for ALL planes. (No more 40 seconds revenge kills)
2- Increase SP cost for ALL planes. (No more fast acces CAS )

I still can’t understand why the advance gamemode was not implemented into the game.