If you read properly I was on about the air tree
South korea should go to Japan as a subtree.
North korea should go to China as a subtree.
Pakistan would suit China better as a sub-tree.
DPRK has more Soviet derived equipment than Chinese, so another solution would be required than having them be a sub-tree for China.
Revisiting the discussion, but one major issue I can think of when it comes to a unified tech tree is simulator battles.
As it is right now, simulator battles are separated strictly by an alliance-based match making system. [ EG : Allies vs. Axis, NATO vs. Warsaw, NATO vs. Russia/China. ] If a Unified Korean tech tree were to be added, where would they stand in the Cold War match making? With this question in mind, the game doesn’t support a simulator split-Nation match up. [ EG : Germany vs. Germany, Russia vs. Russia, USA vs USA, etc. ] It’s either Pre-Cold War alliance match up or Post-Cold War alliance match up.
ROC is still part of PRC tree with the latter still only having one side in these sim battles. A United Korea would just be added to the side if west or east depending on what nation forms a bigger basis of the tree (that is my expectation).
Regardless, in sim battles there is practically no historical accuracy with the vehicle selection, so I don’t think Gaijin would see a United Korea as a problem because of this too.
Hype, makes so much more sense then combining the koreas or adding south korea to usa.
It has been shot down by smin, calm down.
why would you add A tonn of vehicles to one of the biggest tech trees? Moreover, Japan and SK are really good allies and partners
AGREE 10000%
Japan is perfect place for korea
Kinda sad, Japan could use some love and I would actually sell T-80UM2 just to buy Type 16FPS to grind for K2.
No - we should have 1 korean tree with two sides - south and north - we could start it pretty early - the Korean War used lots of late/mid ww2 equipment like shermans and T-34s. South Korea has many American tanks as well as their own - the K2 Black Panther would defintely be a powerful tank - however i believe that while both Korea’s have copy and paste tanks, the North has more variety - they start off with copy and paste but over the years they develop new vehicles - the Chonma ho and Pokpong ho would be really cool to play - South korea (LITTLE KNOWN FACT) has T-90s. No, this is not clickbait - after cold war the South and Russia grew better relations and Russia paid South Korean Aid by giving them weapons to use. Among them were T-90s
I honestly don’t care how would it be introduced, but I must admit that giving those vehicles to the Japanese tree would surely save us from people complaining (rightuflly) about it being mostly copy paste. When it comes to T-90’s, no SK doesn’t have those, they have T-80U’s which Russia suppield (alongside BMP-3’s) as a payment for the loans from Soviet times.
Pic below
The addition of South Korea in Japan will create more complaints then an Unified Korean Tree and more then the Taiwan complains that were simple about a flag. Japan however has an alternative which makes more sense.
Also unfortunately some players have no interest to look at the differences between the vehicles and instantly assume it’s a copy with even some using wiki as source to try and validate their claim when clearly the Tree has 75% unique/modified vehicles.
As someone that plays mainly Japan I’d like to just say (or repeat since it’s said a lot) that Japan has more, and much better, subtree options for Korea. Japan needing a subtree doesn’t matter if they can have one without Korea.
I’d say implement it like the Israeli tree, idk make having two other nations at rank 5 to unlock it and also start it at rank 4. Should be easy enough, same goes for the air tree.

I would say add it to America as a sub tree makes the most sense like Finland in Sweden they get there own MBT line but combine spaa/TD. It would have a good position since IRL USA and South Korea do Drills together and USA is one of closet military allies beside currently Poland is buying K2 and other tech so Poland and south Korea could work also.
But in terms of game balance the only team which is fallen behind and losing players at modern tanks is Japan (hard to grind from bottom up) and I Know SK dislike Japan but we must look at IRL or game balance/ making sure nations don’t die off in game. such as adding more to current nations is best choice for now and add nations which have complete ground/aviation is the best choice that’s why I say SK should be with USA or Poland or Japan for game balance/making sure teams don’t lose players . since most games I play I see less China, Japan, France, Italy, Israel in top tier Ground realistic because those nations need more equipment to push players to play them and have fun with those nations. but IK a lot will complain because its not real but JAP, USA, SK does Military drills together IRL. so what’s the harm in helping a nation for the game and not because of IRL… PS Every one made mistakes in the past and some forgive and others Hold Huge Grudges like Dwarfs.
There seem to be a lot of fans of “Military drills together IRL”. That’s why I want to remind you of the “Military drills together IRL” the US had with Russia.
South Africa also did “Military drills together IRL” jwith Russia and China.
To sum up, your basis is only that “Japan lacks vehicles.” Then, why does the solution have to be Korea? Because they are “Asian”?
if SK got into a war most NATO, USA and Japan would help them and most likely NK would join china that’s why I said USA first since America has bases there and protects them. Japan would be like I said was for more equipment for the tech tree but now Poland is getting almost more K2 panther then SK active military has so what will we do for Poland since they use 3 nation tech now.
Korea is a hard to place since no one can agree where and all we do is spilt ideas from IRL or gameplay and it’s just a game anyways