South Korea subtree for the USA would be a mistake

I think the F-15K should go to Japan.

you’re mainland Chinese?

Isn’t that the same exact thing with Taiwan and China? Despite that, they sit on the same TT

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F-15K next biggest thing

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licensed M109 modified with a semi auto loader, Upgraded M48’s.

Theres a lot of “K” tanks including IFV’s/SPAA and artillery aside from the 2 MBT’s.


South Korea has quite a lot of SPAA that should be rather capable. Whatever tree they end up in should have a nice selection of modern-ish SPAA.

Actually SPAA is weak side of South Korea. Chonma, which is the best vehicle we could get on current standard, is only at the level of Roland, which is definitely not top BR thing.

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This is a Crotale based system, which tend to be rather high BR.

The multiple Biho variants would be great for quite a few BR’s.

Sensor base is Crotale, but missile is not level of Crotale ingame…

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I’m not quite sure I understand, do you mean the Crotale systems we already have are underperforming?

Seems it uses domestic missiles which use the same seeker used on Crotale.


I’ve done some quick googling (I know not 100% reliable) which name the missile as VT-1 with domestic seeker/electronics.

That is a 11.7 missile if I’m not mistaken, with 8 ready to fire and fully armoured. Should be serviceable at least.

Current ingame ‘Crotale’ used on Ito 90M is Crotale-NG
Korean K31 Chonma’s missile is basedon original R-440 crotale, which is equivalent level of Roland 1 ingame.

It’s sensor is domestic made, but by technology transfer from France. It’s not entirely domestic.

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Japan already has Thailand as a sub tree for air and will get it for ground too which offers more vehicles and there are plenty of other countries that are far more friendly to them than S-Korea.
South Korea to Japan would be like making Iran a sub tree for Israel just because they are close to each other.

You have several times said Germany should get sub trees in other threads, Explain why its OK for them to get one while already having stuff from several other nations while sharing far less of their own but not a nation with 20+ less tanks that shares even more of their own stuff, Smells like you have a bit of a bias.


Korea should not go to Japan, just like Poland should not go to Germany. you cannot connect the attacked nation with the attacking nation. What’s worse in the case of Korea, after the war the Japanese did nothing to compensate for the terrible things they did in Korea. The USA also does not need a subtree, it can get individual vehicles from another country (for example F-15K) but not the entire subtree. Anericans have vehicles to add for many years to come.


And Swiss is already ready to be a subtree…
Why they still want more?

Even for Leopard 2PL, it is built in Germany, while there’s also 2 Poland vehicles in UK TT.
Korea to Japan is worse than Israel to Germany as IL and DE stil have still have direct military cooperation and arms sales which KO and JP have really little…

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of course he has bias.

its like you just don’t seem to understand how this game runs, " people buying premiums " you literally don’t understand a business do you?

you think i care what you think?