why would japan get a korean F-15???
Korea and Japan have been 2 separated countries for centuries while China/Taiwan was 1 country split in 2 due to a (ongoing) civil war, 2 separate scenarios.
However let’s forgot that, the CCP and KMT did have a military history together before and during WW2. Both factions formed an alliance called the United Front and Second United Front, this was formed to cooperate and resist the Japanese Invasion together.
So again South Korea in Japan would not make sense in any way.
But China and Tawan have different technology backgrounds, Soviet/USA. And they are on the same TT
While both Japan and SK share the same technological background for more recent stuff. USA
Your argument is geopolitical which doesn’t fit into the game IMHO. My argument is from tech roots
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If we’re talking tech roots US makes the most sense but ok
Yes, but currently we have everything spread out. So might as well help smaller nations that are USA 2.0
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Or you could just not add Korea at all?
Different technologies in 1 tree means nothing in-game, we have :
Israel has both western and soviet tech.
UK with India (soviet) vehicles.
Sweden and Finland with soviet tech (both countries own soviet tech)
Italy with Hungarian (soviet tech) vehicles.
Germany has both western and soviet tech.
Japan will even get soviet tech due to Thailand (Ukrainian vehicles).
Military connection between countries however are kept in mind when adding vehicles or subtrees and my previous comments has shown that. Some countries will have both Western and Soviet tech it’s simple inevitable.
Say what say, but every one know true :p