South Korea line in Japan, North Korea in China or a korea grond tree

They would add more options for japan and just continue chinese copy and paste

Continuing the copy and paste of airframes is not ideal, hopefully we get to see the J-10.


Yay I’d like to see a squashed Type 90 and another T-62 modernization after another tree full of copy pasted vehicles.


Or… hear me out, a United Korean tech tree.


Combined Korean tree is the best option


how about no more trees and just subtrees



Because neither have enough actually unique vehicles to justify an entire tree to grind thru. All it would be is a replication of the Chinese tree. This has been covered many times already.

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Replications such as Chonma series?
Such as K1 and K2 families?
Such as all domestic SPAA and TD options?

Sure, air leaves some to be desired, but ground and naval are undeniably unique.


Chonma is a T-62 clone. Even the modern ones are sus as hell and are probably just fiberglass over old tanks for propaganda purposes.
K1 and K2 are Asian scale versions of the M1 and Leo2 (kidding, kinda).
Domestic SPAA and TD are all derivative of Western and ComBloc systems until you get into the modern era with the ROK.
So, if there were a Korean tree, it would literally be a cut n’ paste fest until you get to top tier. Even the “different” things are just reskins of analogs in other trees.
It would be far more useful (and less suffer) to fill in weak spots in the Chinese tree (like 7.0) with actually novel vehicles.

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This is like saying every car is just a refurbished Ford Model T. It’s nonsense.

Sure, Chonma series are based on T-62, but they have extensive modifications that make the latest product a practically different tank from the first iteration. Nevermind vehicles such as Songun and Chonma-2.

K1 and K2 is a joking comment anyways, so fair enough xd

And on domestic SPAA and TD variants: so what if they have roots elsewhere?
Does that take away from the Korean engineers regardless of their bloc? Does that take away from their newfound performance? Does it take away from the local character that has been applied through more extensive modifications than a country in game has done to their own vehicles (Israel) ?

What you consider ‘cut n’ paste’ are objectively different and unique vehicles. It’s just cope to say they aren’t.

I take it you believe that vehicles such as Sherman Firefly and Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) KwK are ‘cut n’ paste’ too then xd?


When they drop it into other tech trees (like Italy), yes.

It is lovely for you to ignore the points I’m making in favor of a one-liner.
At least it makes my points feel validated


Well you do make it easy.

Ah no. There is very little difference between most similar vehicles in the game. They just hang a new mesh on them and fiddle with the sliders a little. Its really cope to pretend otherwise.

I don’t quite see how a vehicle with an autoloader, ATGMs and MANPADS is identical to another vehicle just because they’re based on the same platform, but you do you


You would if you understood that those are most surely not actual serviceable vehicles and unconfirmed by credible sources.
You can always play WoT if you want to play fictional supertanks.
But go back and read my posts. I’m not worried about top tier. I don’t want to have to grind out the inevitable cut n’ paste that will be necessary even if they start it somewhere mid-way like Israel. Otherwise you don’t have a nation tech tree. You have a sub-tree for somewhere.

Consider the following: even if there is some copy and paste in the tree you wouldn’t have to play it. Shocking, I know.

Either way, for all we know DPRK vehicles are fully functional. You don’t exactly have any so called credible sources to disprove this, do you?


You have to waste time grinding down thru it.

That isn’t how that works.

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because i doubt it can supply enough vehicles for 5 lines or enough vehicles to start at least from 2.7 cough israel and not be all copy paste

That is relative to the individual playing.
I for one would have a blast, even if there are a few familiar vehicles.

I suppose you understand how it does?