After La Royale and subsequent minor patches, sound seems to be once again broken, at least to me.
I noticed issues like:
I can hear enemy engines and tracks when im looking in that direction, sometimes even trough multiple buildings (like civilian blocks on Seversk-13 or multiple streets in Campania. However when i turn around i seem to not hear them.
Multiple times gun sounds did not load properly + shell going by sound does not load. This lead to multiple situations when i simply do not know im under fire because i cant hear it. I had Tiger 2 shooting at me from 300m and did not hear it. Did not hear a hit either.
Some vechicles engine sounds are abominably loud while others are incredibly quiet.
Some engine sounds fail to load on multiple occasions. Ie. i had multiple situations in which PT-76’s and variants did not make any sound while moving.
Plane sounds while on the ground are suffering from almost all of the above despite the last point. Sometimes i can hear incoming plane as if it right above me only for it to be few kilometers away. Another time i cant hear it despite its on full throttle.
And multiple others. Its annoying and makes game frustrating more then it should be, as i often feel like i lost not because i made a mistake, but because game screwed me over, because ie. i was distracted by an engine sound that was actually half a kilometer away, while another enemy flanked me without any sound…