Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

yeah it should be able to even look up to 70 degrees and it can obviously spin 360 degrees and well its too much to just put it here look at the archive above if you want to see all it can do

in the game sadly yes but in real life no

And all this is German with the livery of Hungary, it cannot have a relationship with Italy…

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Germany doesn’t need a sub tree Italy does


germany its closer to hungary than italy is, so the situation would be closer to the taiwan going to china issue(aka reviewbombing once again)

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RMI-8 X-V (1943)
Bulid 1


So ?

Gaijin confirmed minor axis nations will be in Italy like for 3-5 years now.
You’re just salty that Germany isn’t getting any other thing


imma keep analysing the trailer ill tell yall if i find something interesting ☝️🤓

Wasn’t Hungry part of the Warsaw pact? This is gaijin we are talking about here, there is a possibility its going to USSR. I doubt it, but they could pull a UNO reverse card here. I hope everyone is aware of that

Next on the agenda is to put pizza the hut.

if they do that im gonna provoke a civil war


We are now talking about the fact that Italy does not refer to German weapons from the word in any way.

that’s the thing they confirm things and then retract at the last moment and we are talking about giving german stuff to a country that barely has italian stuff

Still not a single Japanese Vehicle in sight, kinda sad actually.

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very sad tbh i was hoping something new i hope they at least give something for some vehicles like type 93 getting type 91 kai missile or something

Or Britain. (T-90 doesnt count)

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ah yes, the child of a Bf-109 with a Fokker D.23

remember there are a lot of vehicles that hasnt been shown yet this is just a “little” part of what they showed us


Yeah, its kinda sad that Japan doesn’t get anything teased. I can’t even remember the last time they teased something for Japan. I think it was the IJN Fuso which got added 2-4 updates later then the teaser.

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maybe germany gets another lynx or idk would be kinda weird getting 1 vehicle for 2 tech trees in the same update