Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I think they also target the super-structure and not the hull, so they definetly need a new target location on the ship. So I think that is also why they can sometimes miss

This would make sense because even my mavericks tend to miss on boats.

they used to be hitting only funnels but they changed something and now thy hit a little lower

Really? I’ve had no issues recently. Just that on some maps, I think where alt is involved, it just doesnt want to release. Notcied mostly on maps like Afghanistan. But lower alt maps like Denmark always work

ok ok ok 3 min til Russtream

For those who are familiar with me this post may not come as a surpise.
The sub tree is dead on arrival.
My question is, why?
Even if you supported adding a sub tree to Italy, even if you wanted Hungary for Italy, this tree solves NOTHING, the line brings nothing that Italy couldn’t bring itself. (You can look at the suggestions me and other members of the Italian community have been during the last 5 years) Hungary as of now has 1, and at a stretch 2 unique vehicles which are being added. The rest is lazy copy and paste similarly to how Finland was introduced some updates ago. I was very vocal in me being against any sub tree for Italy, however i did also mention how if Gaijin really had to add something, Spain or Brazil who share not only more historical ties, but also military ones would’ve made much more sense both in the long and short run. This tree has added as expected, Russian tech to a NATO nation. Now i know there’s some SIM players who are mainly angry because of that but the main issue in that is that Hungary in modern times has only ever really had such tech. They have no industry, the little industry they have is used to make either modifications of Russian tech or more recently gearing towards Germany for their needs. My point is that this Hungarian tree is in actual fact a German/Russian tree slapped unto Italy. Gaijin insists on saying that new Italian vehicles will also be added but actions always speak harder than words…

What are Italy’s problems?
The lack of SPAA and ‘‘decent’’ top tier tanks.
What does this tree do to help that? Nothing. Lots of supporters of the Hungarian tree realised that what they hoped for (Nimrod AA and Leopard 2a7) are not coming. Italy just got given a ‘‘top tier’’ IFV with Spike ATGM’s, this Lynx is legit just a tracked varint of that, and this vehicle very likely will not be exclusive to Italy only, once it gets added to Germany the wow factor of this new addition will lose its purpose. For those following recent Italian defence procurement you’ll also know that Italy is in talks of buying several hundred Leopard 2a7+/2a8 tanks. Italy is also looking at the Lynx when it comes to the AICS program, the Italian army has shown a vast interest for many years in that platform. Couldn’t Gaijin just wait? Italy didn’t need this sub tree and anyone who claims that this will magically make Italy playable are in for a harsh reality check because a month or so after the update everyone who had an interest will move back to playing either Sweden or Russia.

TLDR: Tree not needed, dead on arrival.

can we move on to the stream that’ll Air in 2 min?

1 min, definitely, as bulpapnikov will come)

YEah, I think everything just targets the “average” centre point of the target, something small like a tank, that is fine. Something big like a ship. and the average centre point is high, maybe even a void above the ship. I think they’ve lowered it, but we could almost do with fixed points on the hull instead. Maybe 2 for a destroyer, 3 for a cruiser and 4 for carriers and BBs which could be locked onto instead

well, lets see what we will see, typicaly he starts with the russian tech tree i think

can someone repost the link?

Before any of the streams begin, let me please remind everyone that everything you see is work in progress and subject to change.

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thank you

Will Hungary be moved to the German Technological Tree?)))

jup will do, that being said i will look at nice models and be happy, wont understand anything that gotta wait until the eng stream

that wont happen xD

I’m scared now.

Has it started for anyone else?