Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

T-90 :P


T-90 can probably dogfight better than the F3. But if all britain is getting is a meme SQV then it shows just how little they care.

looks much better than the current

didn’t the addition of the tornado already show that?


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Yeah… But we were at least hoping it would get AAM upgrades quickly… prehaps along with things like ECM. But they haven’t even finished the FM for it yet, still got massive issues and has placeholder FM and the cockpit HUD is barely finished

At this point, I’d take them just finishing the FRS1, giving its proper radar and cockpit. That would keep me happy, 10.7 with those would be genuinely fun in ASB.

To be honest, I am more curious about why the stream did not go as planned.
They can’t find the game icon again? or the media guy in X get out free?

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twitch is supid, i want Youtube. thanks anyway.

The youtube link was shared a few replies back from this one.

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69 min til Russian stream eh?

I play Italy. I’m happy about Hungary coming. Pls stop projecting.

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I want Hungarian stuff. Stop crying pls


There are a couple of cars from Hungary. The rest is what Italy should not have.

but we need him for Gnat translation

oh yes i am definitly projecting when even 2 gajin staff are complaining xD i literaly dont care

inform yourself then we can keep speaking, dont just say bullshit when u dont know anything, u dont represent the whole playerbase

Is italy getting any “desert wind” along side the hungarians?

amx wave mission

what’s zhat? looks like weird Gnat

You might not be able to say, but @Smin1080p are we expecting any BR 11+ additions to Britain in both Air or Ground this update?

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