Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Have you considered that maybe I’m here for a good time and not to suffer with something I don’t like just because Gaijin keeps adding new top tier jets?

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People are addicted to their afterburner.

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Getting an IR missile to hit, guns to hit, radar missile to hit all require substantial skill.

@Ziggy1989 is very correct that top BR requires far more skill than everything else.

Awareness, energy capabilities of your aircraft & others, deep throttle control, weapons decisions before you engage the target…


You forgot Making various animal sacrifices to the snail in a hope to get a favourable outcome when you fire a missile


What happens to F16C? If I take LITENING II, I can’t take AGM65D???

Bro, you don’t have to suffer. I do not know what nation you main. But I am suspecting Japan is up there, am I right?

Japan has the best F16 right now and possibly the best even when patch drops. If the Japanese F16 is still with the same FM as it does on patch drop its going to be the best unless US gets better missiles for the F-16C.

So, with that said having such a beastly F16 for Japan, there should not be any reason not to succeed in it. Unless you do not wish to learn the top tier meta and not interested. Then that is a personal preference, I respect that. But don’t turn around and say top tier is of a low skill.

As for why GJ keeps adding Jets. GJ is going where the money is at unfortunately. I am sure once that ship has sailed and they made all that can be made from it, they will return to caring for piston driven fighters.


I think we’ll be seeing new jets for at least the next one - two years, three at best. US still needs the F-15 and F/A-18, whatever Germany has, another MiG for Russia, Britain getting the Typhoon, etc. etc.

At the same time though, they could give us a break for a patch or two, and go back to the roots of the game, that being piston engine aircraft. I feel top tier has enough to play with for the time being lol

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Germany and italy would be typhoon with Britain


I was wondering about that. France would probably have another Etendard by then, but what about Israel? More export models?

Sweeden only have one left, unless we bring in Finland, Denmarck and/or Norway

France is Rafale.

Israel, no idea what they have these days. F-15?

Im guessing youll get Norwegian F-18s

Sounds about right. It’ll at least be interesting to see the different iterations of aircraft used by Israel later down the line. I haven’t put any time into their TT, but it’s been cool to see how they update and adapt their aircraft.

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Finish F-18’s, Norway have only had F-16’s and F-35’s to my knowlage

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They can get the Kfir C.10 though itll be export

Yeah, Israel will never need to worry about fighters or capability moving forward. They have the F-15I Ra’am & f-16l Sufa to get which are not copy paste F-15s and 16s. They are very tailored to ACM (dogfighting) combat.

They will be armed with their own domestic IR missiles that are superior to the west & Soviet/Federation such as the Python 3, 4s and 5. As well as their own radar missiles such as the Derby, which is decent afaik.

Note: the only reason Israel is superior in IR missile design is because their heavy emphasis on within visual range air combat. Its core to their doctrine and allocated the resources in development while the west allocated resources to development of stealth, sensor fusion and medium range BVR capability.

Also, to answer your earlier question. I am not really hyped about this patch. However, I suppose the new RWR capability for the F16 is very cool. It is a new technology that was not in game prior. I am excited to use that in a competitive setting. Pretty much the jet tells you what is locking you by the specific high radio frequencies that are emitted by specific radars only when they lock you. It’s a great advantage to know what is locking you. Giving you a profound situational awareness allowing you to disregard nonthreats and prioritize others.


to be fair to him, some documents on their own won’t state it.

National Archives in the UK keeps documents unmarked, so to someone who didn’t know, they’d look still classified but you literally pull out the bit of paper or website from National Archives that says “yep that’s fine to share”

So befoee you mercilessly shut him down hear him out. better to be safe than sorry.

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I am somewhat doubtful Gaijin will implement stealth/5th gens in the near future. It will cause no end of arguments where people go “SU-57 NOT STEALTHY ENOUGH PLS BUFF” or “F-22 CANT SEE AND KILL EVERYONE FROM 200 MILES AWAY GIVE IT AIM-260”

I mean, I hope. But I feel that it’ll be inevitable, knowing Gaijin as a habitual offender.

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Mirage 4000. We could use it now


Honestly disappointed at the lack of interesting new AtG missiles or Naval missiles - We’re getting the Super Etendard (no Exocet), Sea Harrier (no Sea Eagle) and we have loads of boats and planes in game that could have some really interesting weapons of that sort.

Same with GPS bombs, we saw a tech demo of them on the F4 EJ Kai during a dev server then never seen them again, real shame - The thing I love most about WT is the variety of weapons and platforms and it really does feel like as time goes on we’re getting more and more focused with the weapons (and types of weapon) we receive.

Thinking back on the most exciting weapons to receive in game; they were all novel in one way or another, things like the Fritz-X (which we haven’t seen any Allied equivalents, but that’s a diff argument), rocket launchers like the BM launchers, the Mathilda Hedgehog, even the Toilet bomb. - All relatively ineffective, but well loved and novel.

Even that god-awful Kormoran ASM is fun to mess around with and try stuff with (until GJ removed it’s ability to track planes and tanks without fixing it’s point-of-aim).