Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

İm not talking about armament im talking about radar performance.

Currently no aircraft in game can be rival for Mig31’s radar performance unless they fix the issues on Tomcat’s radar.

Firstly, the Bhishma lacks the well-known soft-kill active protection system (those spooky-looking red eyes), and secondly, the Russian 3BM60 APFSDS round.

Why ? Because we can follow same logic to add Challey for Ussr as they used to Have T-90S in British

Proberbly due to how many options russia has outside other nations tanks

The Russian one can what are you talking about?

They said it in the blog, it dosent have it

that they thought t90s can fire 3bm60

Then maybe there gonna stick it with 3BM42 to keep it at a lower BR like 10.3

Isnt it the 2A46M-5 that can handle the 3BM60?

Nvm, I got mixed up, sorry

The guy I was replying too specifically said T-90A and also the T-90S is just a T-90A without Shtora jammers

It can fire it, I got mixed up


If the T-90A is at 10.7 with 3BM60, the T-90S is still going to be 10.7 due to the increased armour and because its in the british TT

okay nw. But is the BVM actually capable of firing the 3BM60 with the 2A46M-1 cannon? Isnt it some problems with the length of the dart or something

Haven’t gotten anything in the tree since the 2A6 in like 2020, and the next best think is 10.0 bar the squadron vehicle.

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Gun has incorrect name, BVM irl cant fire 3BM60

Indeed, thank you. Almost 4 Years, without both a new Top Tier Leopard and/or the 3 German Tanks. If that isn’t Bias then idk.

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3BM42 it is then!

No, the same logic would be domestic production vehicles. Not imports.
On top of that Russian Federation is the primary filler of Soviet tech tree in that regard.
Ukraine mostly make Oplot since then.
Soviet fanboys…

İt is obvious Germany desperetaly needs new and better tanks, similiar to Strv122 series actually.

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