Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

@Smin1080p i hope britanian newer got any indian aircraft like with SA aircrafts

sweden already had the strv 122 plss, why did they need the leo 2a6 and t80u?

this is an ironic question.

Lineups are made from 5+ vehicles. Germany has 2 tanks, with polish k2 or M1 in the tree they would have 3-4 competitive top tier tanks just like most other nations


If the list is true you’ll get the Leopard PSO

Honestly, the fact Russia has so much available to its lineups at all tiers tells you that they need to focus on other nations more.

Most matches, they can just outnumber your lineups and win by shear volume

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Maybe British should have designed an actually good tank then, they wouldn’t need squillion versions of Chally 2 in tech tree then and every single one of them being terrible?

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Challenger 2 is a good tank. They just refuse to model it properly.

Why not add britians IFVs and Light tanks? SPGS and TDs? Y’know…the backbone of british war strategy…


What about it do the refuse to model properly that would change the way it plays?

The ammo positions are misrepresented, allowing you to kill CR2 when you shouldn’t be able to

CR2 uses wet storage, which isnt modelled.

CR2 TES has ASPRO-HMT ERA bricks which should make TES essentially invulnerable to missiles and HEAT, but also provide around 300mm of kinetic side protection in total.

CR2s mantlet is incorrectly modelled and is lacking over 200mm of protection.

CR2s crew positions are incorrect leading crew to get knocked out when they shouldnt

CR2 is far more mobile and faster IRL than in game

Etc etc.


Many things, for starters .

Various composite side screens being STANAG 4569 level 6 / 7 compliant, so should protect from 30mm AP from 500 meters, not only be worth 30mm of RHAe.

So no IFV this update… sigh guess we can hope for the next one…

Aside from Ariete it’s possibly the worst western-designed modern MBT and I’ll fucking die on that hill.


Same for Leclerc actually


Not quite. ASPRO-HMT is 25MM APFSDS at 500m
~89mm of kinetic protection, on the bricks alone.

The 30mm thing comes from people thinking it’s using Armor Shield R which it doesn’t. Armor Shield R is stanag 6, ASPRO-HMT is Stanag 5

there is MiG-29SMT left

Yep Ariete clearly crying in the corner… do you know if it’s actually that bad irl?


Never been lost in combat, most every element of it designed for survivability. Noones asking for it to be the best, but its shockingly misrepresented in game. Its a good tank.

Haha how lame that the T-90S is indeed going into the British tree.

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Hopefully one day you’ll be at top tier with the rest of us.

Pantsir is rather inferior to TOR-M1 as Pantsir can’t hit targets, I know cause I’m the target and haven’t been hit.
Ka-52 is on-par with everything else that isn’t F&F, but the slight benefits doesn’t outweigh the one missile at a time.
IS-4M is literally just Maus equivalent.
Su-25 isn’t even in the top 5 CAS in-game. Tornado IDS is superior. And I love Su-25T, but I don’t have it cause I’ll never use it in ground battles due to Mig-27K.

Most skilled playerbase you mean.

I don’t understand why players can’t accept that good players make a on-par tank like T-80BVM work better than other players. It’s not a special tank, dunno why they love it so much when it cooks off every time I look at it or play it.

Not like we wanted the bloody thing…