Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

theres nothing else im aware of called 9.19

I mean like something completely boring like a random Destroyer or sth

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stp boring that nobody cares about it

It’s secretly just the release day, Sep. 19th lol. That would be a surprise for everyone I think

I mean it could, but I’ve not been able to find it and MiG-29s all have model numbers along the lines of 9.xx, like the German one is 9.12 and the Russian one is 9.13, and the SMT is 9.19 from what I can find.

I am more than welcome to be proven wrong though.

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9.19 is like the latest smt version iirc

refer to this if anyone is unsure Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum - History, Design, Performance & Dissection - Soviet Union - War Thunder - Official Forum

yeah, the 9.13S makes more sense as an A2A upgrade and the 9.13M would be a great CAS addition but the 9.19 is a confusing one honestly.

Yay peace again

Shrek Shrek1 GIF - Shrek Shrek1 Shrek And Donkey GIFs


You can upload mp4 now. :P

It’s a GIF

I know but yea I’m just passing the new info on

ahh, thought you were asking, that’s good to know

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The list of leaks has 24 vehicles, more if we consider that some of them can be replicated in other nations.

Approximately how many vehicles does each update bring on average?



Interesting, the rest may be a top secret sub-tree not yet revealed. And of course the Alpha jet.

Well we know there will be a new nation coming Poland and Turkey are really good contenders for that.
Hoping more for Poland but a Turkish tree is welcome.

But mainly Poland uses a high number of South Korean vehicles and would give a good’lee way into a South Korean sub tree

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Charlie Day GIF - Charlie Day GIFs

Gaijin don’t say something for nothing lmao

Maybe an entire subtree for Italy has leaked from the leak list XD