Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Greece and Italy don’t share technology though, at least on any meaningful level.

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it’s on the tech tree changes roadmap

This weekend dev server for sure

Don’t, it was 17 hours ago, ignore it and move on, or take it to the DMs

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Oh god

Just saw it now, moderator :P

so that means the trees will get updated again and there’ll be dovserver this friday

sad thing ill be off my PC til monday

there is no confirmation of a dev server this Friday

but a hint

Pretty likely tho. Update in September, already into out second week of blogs I’d say pretty high chance

Italian sub tree still not denied for this update.

not really, soon could be 3 days or 3 weeks, that comment gives us no information we didn’t already have about when the dev server is coming.

  1. Because a mod not seen it yet.

  2. It’s not the right update for it.

pretty sure the consensus on an Italian subtree is Hungary



I mean they already have a premium subtree

No confirmation, and there are still 3 other equal options.

BvvD have said it’s Hungary

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No he didn’t.
He said more Hungarian vehicles will be added, he didn’t say it’d be a sub tree.