Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

May be ture
But they will not add a premium T 90

Namely when a BR increase is required almost a year away.
After all, F-15J is possible for now, but wasn’t when F-16AJ was ready.

I wish for an IFV for China and Britain why gaijin you no add

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Development takes time, and this isn’t the wishlist topic.

After this week gaijin wouldn’t take this thread seriously they never have done.

What even is the argument here?
There is practically no reason for Switzerland to be put into the German tree and Benelux could easily work on its own. Why on earth would one waste such potential and place them in an already very saturated and strong tier?

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@Mahiwew hey m8 long time no see

Tbh Id rather have the Swiss in their own tree

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And from Sweden alone to collect the whole Scandinavian Empire from one country called in the game exactly as Sweden. But we already have Finland in Sweden, then they will ask to give them Norway with its number of Leo 2. You want Sweden (represented by the whole of Scandinavia) to have 1 country and in comparison with this Scandinavia, Germany will be a Minor nation, although this is what should be with Sweden. Although she wouldn’t be in the minors. Then it is necessary to change the name of the pumping branch to Scandinavia. And bring other countries to the level of the same communities with other nations closely related and taking their equipment sold back to themselves. Do you also want F/A 18, F-15s, Eurofighters and F-16, F-35 Icelandic and not only in Sweden, which has its own Jas 39 Grippen? Do you want the strongest and copy-pasted branch in the game? You just didn’t think about it!!

The t90 will be added as a squadron for British xD

Norway already is a part of swedish tree witz the leo1a5N

Agreed, Switzerland is more than capable of holding its own.
If one feels fancy you could even include Austria in it to bolster them further, Germany doesn’t need foreign support anyways.

Let me get this straight- you want Germany to get Norway and Denmark (and all of their vehicles with it, not just F-16s and Leopards) to prevent Sweden from getting more Leopards? (Even though Germany is already one of the strongest nations in the game)
Oh and put Switzerland and the 3 Benelux nations with them too, just for the fun of it!
Are you alright?

So far, this is a single prem of the branch

This is one of the absolute dumbest arguments I have every seen.

Germany will NEVER be a minor nation, Germany alone still has more unique stuff that can be added to their tree than all of Scandinavia COMBINED.
And there is still absolutely no reason to include Benelux and Switzerland into Germany. Austria I could see the argument for, but even that is unnecessary.

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He’s referring to the air tree, not ground. In air they’re already a minor nation. The new big 3 will be us, ussr and china.

Plans like an Austrian artist alone) But right now it’s the only option. The Norwegian Leopards 2 will be too strong and there will be too many of them, there will be 2A7+ and 2A8 and a lot of German, I just want to take all my own.

ah yes, the flying Leopard 2A5DK

Yea if Sweden can hold it’s own than Switzerland can too.

There’s been 2 top tier Japanese AA vehicles suggested in the forums since the update. At least one of the vehicles missile is roughly the equivalent to the Pantsir’s missile.