Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Tbh September updates are a no go for me as they are so weak.

But 5 blog and no air kinda reminds of the one from last year when I was on holiday

honestly a more boring update would be a blessing for me, gotta renew my premium at gajins birthday, i am without premium since the start of the event

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Yea I hoping to sale the Su-25 too and may get something with it

gonna sell it as soon as possible, when su 39 and su 25t get their R73 it is worthless besides collectors but since it is a grinding event so many gonna swamp the market in the frist place

the patricia on the other hand, i am gonna keep until it increases in price it should bring good amount and enable me to buy a new toy

mhm I got the Swedish mustang, Po-2 and the Su with 6 GJN in already so that should bring me up to around 60 GJN

If there is nothing in the update I like I can save it for what ever comes in the next event

I wouldn’t imagen the Su-25 going over than 40

I was thinking, they said fox 3s will be introduced all at the same time (aim-120, r77, MICA, etc.), but russia doesn’t have a plane that can bring a good number compared to the other nations (Mig-29A can’t bring R-77). There is the yak-141 but it can only bring 4 missiles, it’s not on the level of a f-16A with 6 amraam. So, a Mig-29S or Mig-29SMT makes sense.
Mig-29SMT is a big step from a Mig-29A, better engines and better radar.It is Probably comparable to an f-16C in terms Air-to-Air.
I don’t know if fox 3s are coming this patch but I am pretty sure they will come this year.

Just speculating but thoughts are the only thing we have at this point

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wow its as if russia is lacking a missile bus???(but then nato mains would cry that russia is op!!!)

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Do you guys think there is any semblance of hope for a possible Mig-25 Foxbat this update?


We don’t need who cries more as it will lead to yet another massive off topic argument.


alright, what about those latest rumours and “leaks” that the su-27 models were found already?
is that legit?

We don’t know if true then it’s far from finished.

And even if it is finished it won’t come any time soon

no, they outsource models, that dude couldve just found a su27 model video and sent it here. though i do wish it was real

@Smin1080p Do we need popcorn for today or shall I make it Monday again?


@Smin1080p im not sure if someone already asked you this but are there any news on the russian interceptors? Are they gonna be added this year or like, at all? su-15 (that inspired the j-8); Mig-25; Mig-31? It seems odd that these iconic aircraft, so significant to the defense of russian airspace, only exist somewhat in the game with user missions.

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they come when they come, russia had the spotlight in multiple of the last updates, it is time for some of the other minor nations to shine and catch up


btw I sent a DM m8

We have already some evidence for the fact that some popcorn may be needed for the week already.

I still have some popcorn left from yesterday