Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Could be, though the K9 would make more sense as then. It’s a vehicle they can add when they do both the Turkish tech tree and the South Korean sub tree.

However, if it is a K9 VIDAR, it carries modifications by Kongsberg. The vehicle in this modification was only procured by Norway, Finland and Estonia.

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which would put it either in the finnish subtree or as a Norwegian premium


True though they would made a version with and without these mods for later use.

Please, don’t get this thread locked again.

Well since it’s the VIDAR and not just the K9 it would props be the Norwegian version.

I’m sorry but it’s always frustrating to have a leak list show up conveniently for the first time after a devblog and it naturally has everything that we’ve already seen and then what might as well be a bunch of whish lists until proven otherwise.

Is there any evidence that this leak list is older than today? Cus this is the first time I’ve seen it


It’s most likely a fake if we only seen it today. Must admit it’s annoying that we get a list per blog now

Its the same as every leak list, with the source being Trust me bro

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Yeah this is why I advocate that once proven fake, the people who constantly feed the flame by posting fake leak lists should just be banned from posting in the RRD thread as this behavior is not only very childish but also a big source of derailment.

Seen as the VIDAR would have both a laser rangefinder and thermal imaging, i doubt its addition

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that does sound like it would be really fun to play

but hard to balance

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I mean we do have the G6 so anything is possible lol

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I really hope we get a double devblog or even teaser today. Im so hyped for this update. The last few updates have been so good.

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What about M833 shell for KVT?

Surely this tank can use a better round since 10.3 br constantly gets uptiered to 10.7-11.3.

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But the Mi-8? What can it do that is not already present in the game?
I don’t see a point of its addition, so I can’t believe this.
Although Gaijin did just add a premium T55 with a flamethrower, with a better premium T55AM-1 already in game. So.

It has the potential to replace the lowest ranked vehicles like the Curtiss Goshawk. In this case, it may be possible to replace the Mi-4 with the Mi-8.
I just hope this leak list is “fake”. This list would be a less impactful update.

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@Smin1080p potential 2nd blog today?

EpicBlitzkrieg put together a nice post back on the og forum that explained some variants pretty well

doubt it, way to early into blog session yet

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