Well it isn’t Russian or a tank.
Geez, Texas today
Should be coming out shortly.
Delay of translation maybe?
English is out a few hours after russian one generally
we back huh, alright
this leaklist got 2 vehicles right, before they were annouced
TBF, guessing the Texas doesn’t count
That ship is on pretty much every leak list since last year
Finally new battleship toptier for USA, thanks you gajin 🙏
intresting list, never heard about most of that stuff
No, they are on Thursdays
Seems really empty for a war thunder update
Well usually yes.
But we already had a teaser on Friday once so it is not imposible.
Gamescom is ending in two days.
It would be a real shame, if gaijin does not utilise that hype train.
is 9.19 a MiG-29?
yes, SMT
a2a capabilities of the mig 29M and a2g capabilities of the K
so in game essentially a soviet Bombcat?
Gaijin has nothing to do with Gamescom for a long time
erm… yes i guess
Italy has AMX International, which can come in different variants in the same way as Su-25/A-10, including Brazilian versions. Plus Italy has a ton of different Aermacchi variants, which will bring it CAS options from 6.x (starting with MB-326K) up to top BRs (with M-346FA and MB-339K/CD). But Italy gets its ingenious planes in WT (I mean which don’t come for another nation as well) ones in a blue moon unfortunately.
I’m surprised the UK haven’t got the Hawk series yet