Tomorrow Friday we might have some big blogs hopefully
If Polish Leo 2 is in German tree, then obviously Polish K2 would go to the tree that has K2s, which would be Japan
yeah i hope something intresting for one of teh nation that recently never had a bigger spotlight
Ok… what a mess…
Ok… so… that is a hell of a Rabbit hole I do not want to go down again…
There maybe some temp Flag Bans in play from just force flagging all the spam… since I am not entirely sure how it works my self… so, if you cannot post on the forum it is because of all the stuff that I have forced flagged… if you cannot post, there should be a notification some where telling you how long… so some somewhat innocent by standers may be caught in the cross fire from just trying to do the right thing, even tho it is just off topic
As for the… in human content, there will be temp bans for those people for now… and will more than likely be an outright ban from the Forum for one person at least at the end of the day…
This is some behavior that I never want to see again… and I am sure a great many of you never want to see that either… so, I do Apologize that people were exposed and had to see such content… and as mentioned at least one user will no longer be around to risk exposing such content/behavior to others again here on our Forum at the end of the day…
Game and Forum is for ages 12+, and we tend to be on top of such content and we do not tolerate such content/behavior whatsoever…
Thanks to those that I saw were trying to do the right thing and for letting my self know and or for flagging some content, it does help us a great deal!
This will remain locked until further notice… Thanks!
I hope with JAS 39C this year it means this next update.
So the Teaser should be like next week right?
we say this every week once dev season starts 😭
And thus it shall continue
so we expecting no blogs/stream today eh?
probably 1 blog today, and then they either skip Monday or there is 1 dev Monday
No noblogs mean that there is no blog
No air blogs time to sleep for the weekend
Maybe late teaser today?
so Just when I thought no blog today
Seems to be a double dev (I guess?), but where on earth is the English version? Just asking