Well, tried to wrangle the post back on topic. See y’all when the teaser drops!
No vehicles will be relocated. They can only be removed from research/purchase so if Polish trees comes you wont be able to reserch 2PL. Best example are Israel tanks in British tree
When’s the teaser
What teaser?
they wont, they already said they wont do it, do i search the prove for you again as well?
Anyway, im away too, here’s an A-4M pic, sorta on topic cuz we might still see it lol
does it get thermals
woa big camera
Nah, optical system for target acquisition tho, hella cool
they wont move the leopard 2 pl to poland and make it unable to be researched in germany, it will be permanently stay in german tree
ah yes we need another broken US cas
This supports what I said, they wont relocate it. If Polish tree come simply 2PL wont be researchable in German tree and will be available for reasearch in Polish one. Not sure whats your point here?
smin said they wont remove it, he means they wont remove it as a researchable squadron vehicle in german tree, the vehicle can be in both german and possible poland tree
Unlikely they will add polan without removing it from germany
t90m is a sidegrade to the bvm at best
They wont remove it from research now. Doesnt mean it wont happen in future…
i always support more polish vehicles in german tree as sub nation, i would love the polish K2 black panther to gather all panther tanks in one tech tree
US mains say otherwise
Unlikely. We have T-80U in Sweden.