Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

snorts hopium
US rank 8 strike craft?

maybe even…



But I want to spade my T-90A & have everything go into T-90M research.

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It’s kinda fun TBH, like Whac-a-mole.

I’m not gonna get THAT hyped, but seeing a new era of bombers would be absolutely sick. Vark, Mirage IV, Tu-22, V-series, etc.

Certainly not meta, but a lot of famous planes that should get representation.

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Yak 28 has been the most fun bomber for me, more like that would be rad

They eepyy

We tried not worked yet I hate this new system

Well in T-90M’s case we have the BR’s for it.
It’s more along the lines of asking for Gripen rather than Su-30.


Same, I wanna play my Netz but I don’t want all that free RP go to waste, It would be amazing if they added an RP pool for after you’ve fully unlocked a tree, even if you only get like half, then I wouldn’t have to feel bad about flying the aircraft I enjoy the most.

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Isnt that literally Universal Rp points?
The ones we all have billions of?

lvl 3 needs 100 days before people can even become one <.< they dont exist yet

I mean a pool for each specific nation that you don’t have to spend GE to use so when you finish a tree you can keep grinding for the next vehicle even if it isn’t out yet

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RRD topics are just not worth it, shouldn’t be a thing anymore because of all of the above right now.
Man, I rather just stick to the datamines and do my own logical thinking instead of visiting these crap forums.
( honestly they should just delete half of the forums except suggestions and delete WT subreddit, issue fixed)


I could use some leaks right now 💀


No from the news article on the new research trees today.

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What no R73 on Migus 29 does to a mofo…

why would it be removed in the first place?

Some players are expecting a polish ground tree and the 2PL to be relocated to it

if at any point poland would come as its own tree, if you look somewhere below that i even posted the prove for it as well