Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)



I don’t know if this is the right channel to ask, but can we expect some Dutch representation to the game anytime soon?
I would like to play with all the different type of Fokker planes while attacking Japanese naval vessels with the ship dressed as an island. :)

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IIcr Smin did say Britain will get more commonwealth vehicles in the future.

So they can help Britain at top tier but yea it will most likely be the SAAF Gripen C.

Finland in the backround


We are always expanding the game with new vehicles from many nations.

We have nothing specific to announce at this exact time about any Dutch vehicles however.

Stay tuned to the blogs for any news on any new additions to the game.


Will there be any commonwealth surprise along the way ? ;)

iicr you said that there might be more in the future if I’m not mistaken

dutch vehicles would certainly be a nice addition as a sub tree to germany and able to fill some bad gaps in germanys tree, but currently there propably are nation more desperate of sub tree additions

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sorry as a what?

sub tree/nation , like finnland for sweeden or or south africa for britain etc etc

since when is germany in need of a subtree?

since when was britain in need of one?, or russia of a czetch vehicle or america of the australien vehicle but yes they can help german tech tree most prominent would be an Apache 64 since germanys eurocopter development is currently dead, germanys air tree looks dead as well with very few additions the dutch f16 is a possibility. Others like CV9035NL, would make a slightly different playstyle which would be intresting. They dont have enough vehicles for their own tree so they would be needed to be added in a different matter and netherlands and germany are very closely allied in military matters


Britain needed a light tank line, and people wanted south african vehicles into the game. The subtree solution Gaijin came up with was far from perfect but at least South Africa was tied to the UK as it was a British colony. When was the Netherlands ever a German colony? If you’re so desperate for a German F-16, you could potentially give it a Danish one since Denmark has way less unique vehicles (next to none?). Because while the Netherlands alone would make a lackluster tree, it can be paired with Belgium (and Luxembourg) to make a Benelux tree, which is one of the better contenders for a new nation

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britian has a a lot indiginious light tanks that many britains would have prefered over the south african ones

No Colony but close military allies, their armies fused in a lot of lvls

Another Nation is a long way away, they first need to fix the current 3 remaining nations italy, japan and israel, we arent in need of another broken tech tree, if you want to players of those nations to wait another 2-3years sure sounds great while their top tier vehicles pretty much already exist in the game. I could rather see Poland as a new nation since it has a lot vehicles as well, even if it currently is a " sub nation" to germany.

Besides that you remember that italien as well as israelien vehicles got moved to their own nations once their trees got added to the game, besides that Smin already stated that even if Poland gets added sth like the Leopard 2PL will remain in german tech tree, dutch has so few vehicles it would be possible to just have them in both trees wouldnt be a problem either

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Does Benelux even have rank 1 for air & ground?

Yes please that would be epic.

rank 1 air is really strong, rank 1 ground is good

yeah their exist giant fan made tech trees you can find

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Thank you.
New tech tree is still a next year thing at the earliest tho as per the pattern.

i realy hope they fix all others before that

Question about this… Do i need to have Air Ground Naval all fully researched for the bonus, or is just one enough?
To add to this. If i do have all of them fully researched, or better yet more than one branch of x y z nation fully researched do i get a bigger bonus than i would by having just one?
Also, do i have to have the vehicles bought too, or just researched?

thought it was this year? just hope it won’t be another half-tree like israel