Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I dont want an export T-90M…


Yeh seriously if Britain’s next big thing is a T-90s I will actually be annoyed. They’ve said for a while that they are thinking about more Light Tanks for Britain and what is direly needed at the moment is more of those and a top-tier IFV.

France getting its promised amx 13 105? Impossible

Thats unfortunate - no Benelux soon, but thank you for the information. Much appreciated! 🙏🏻

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Yeah I was already surprised so much stuff got out that I actually thought it was intentional.
Prob had an internal witch hunt and plugged the leaks. Too bad. Don’t think it harmed much and was a reason to keep engaging with the community. Noticed this in others too which also made me think it was intentional. Guess not because otherwise it would’ve kept going.

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I hope there’s devblog today

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As usual, a wish list on Discord is being circulated as a “leak”…
Whoever created this should have been a little more careful when reading Wikipedia, because the “T-50” is not a combat aircraft.
The same goes for the K1 that appeared in a “leak” claimed by a certain CC some time ago. The moment he mentioned “upgrade packages” in his video, I was convinced he had looked at Wikipedia and made up the list.


I whish they dropped the teaser much earlier again
We have lots of stuff to speculate about Meanwhile we get an idea about what the update is
The last Update i think it even came after the hype stream


Is Al Khalid going to be premium/squadron tank in the Future? Since they are going to add MBT-2000 in the techtree.Al Khalid is nearly same as MBT-2000 but it has DU rounds and Pakistani ERA.

Can’t wait for a mig-25 to have better flight performance than a tornado. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit.


Yeah loved to kick off early with the teaser. Really gave the theme of the update so it made sense to speculate at what might get added, even if not shown.

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It’ll go faster, but its a brick.
Need not worry.

MiG-31 is not a brick, dont be confused its not the same as MiG-25.

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MiG-31 is still a brick just less of a brick than the MiG-25

Do you guy’s think we will get a devblog today?

Philip Schofield Tank?

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Yeah! Everyone knows that the Mig-31is a super-maneuverable aircraft /s
How dare you question soviet tech!?

MiG-31BM is being used together with the Su-57 of course its manouverable.

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If the Mig-31 is being operated together with the Su-57 then surely some of the maneuverability will transfer from one plane to the other. Totally how it works.