they both can.
Ace Combat is not a source for information.
Su-27 manuals only showcase R-73 compatibility.
Su-27P is 12.7 likely. 6x R-73s + 4x R-27s.
Always verify the sources people mention.
F-14B has inferior IR missiles, and a sub-par radar for locking things.
I’m talking R-73, which the Su-27 fires.
R-73 is quite literally in-game currently, and the first vehicle it’ll be on comes into WT within the next 48 hours.
BTW I play all 10 tech trees, please don’t assume peoples’ experiences.
If the MiG-23MLD got R-73s it would have to move up. This missile would make it much better than it’s American counterpart the F-4J
yes move it to 11.7
I don’t know what you mean by “real” MiG-29 when the aircraft used the R-60M
they didn’t mention it in the devblog so i would not have my hopes high if i were you …
But what’s the point? I would prefer a MiG-23MLD (Late) for that kind of thing so I can still have a change of a downtier
you know this doesnt exist IRL ? this early and real is only in war thunder.
My top ten played vehicles are Soviet, Chinese, British, Japanese, Germany, American.
France and Italy come up the rear.
That’s 9 of ten tech trees in my top 15 most played vehicles.
So no, I’m not any main, I am every single country.
You do realize that whenever there is an Early or Late its from different years of production? Take the F-4F for instance we have the earliest variant as the (Early) and a much later version as the (Late)
I wonder why Gaijin doesn’t care about introduction years! The Mirage F-1CT struggles against the F-14A even though it only entered serive in 2002
Dude… the 2S38… also if you are calling the MiG-29 or T-80BVM bad then I’m sorry but you are actually bad at the game
People out here suggesting SU27s like the MiG-29 isn’t the top dog of top tier right now.
“Lets give Russia its super manueverable BVR fighter that’s better than the MiG29” completely overlooking the fact that:
Britain is stuck with the Tornado, which may as well be an F104 with skyflash.
Why not give smaller nations things like Eurofighter DA2 so we’re all up to the same capabilities? At that point we can start looking at adding things like later R-73s and IRIS-Ts
Small nations MUST become the focus of the game right now, or power creep will make it a game about USSR, USA, and Germany. Its boring. There needs to be variety and it needs to be fair. Su-27s can damn well wait until the rest have caught up to the capability gap.
The MiG29 and Yak141 currently are the most powerful a2a plane in the game. Why is everyone suggesting we give that nation (((more)))?
It’s got enough to be super viable. It doesn’t need Su27 variants.
It hardly even needs R73s.
Japan, Israel, Definitely UK, italy, Sweden all need to be brought up to the current level of playing before we see any new major additions or pushes forward in the USSR tech tree. They’ve got the MiG29. It absolutely destroys. That’s good enough, now the other nations should match that capability.
Well yeah, that’s cause they’re not in WT yet.
F-4F ICE, Eurofighter Typhoon, F-35.
If more Swiss vehicles go to Germany: F-18…
There’s a lot of trialed vehicles as well.
T-80BVM still doesn’t have a partner while M1A2 has M1A2 SEP, and Strv 122A has Strv 122B.
Though anyone calling them nerfed might need to re-think that.
IRIS-T is equivalent or superior to R-73M. WT’s not getting that yet.
Every nation outside Britain is already brought up to the level of 12.0.
Also, the best Mig-29 is Germany’s.
man stop posted cringe