Sons of Attila — Answering your questions from the dev server

We have three that I could list out of my head. The Type 81, Type 11 and MMPM. Technically the MMPM isn’t a SAM, but is proficient at targeting helicopters.

Only certain variants require seperate vehicles. The Type 81A and B or the Type 11 used by the ASDF are such variants.

This still leaves the Type 81C and Type 11 that use a Key Control Device carried on the vehicle to do anything the seperate vehicle could do, the only exception being the search function. Doesn’t seem like “strong limitations” to me.

The game already features vehicles like the Katyusha, with a suspension worlaround to “dig it in” and controls from the cabin despite having to dismount in reality. I don’t see a difference between that and the KCU situation. Apart from top tier SAM being much more important and deserving of such exceptions than some rocket truck.

The MMPM is even fully autonomous and requires no workaround whatsoever.

This does make me wonder what it is Gaijin is working on. Is it multi vehicle SAM? Are they implementing the MMPM with guidance system not yet in the game? Simply substituting the KCU is not a mechanic that takes this much time, they have made it infinitely harder for themselves, as now they not only have to implement SAM, but accompany it with a new and game changing mechanic…

I sure hope this won’t reflect negatively on the time it takes to get it. Since we have been waiting for four years since the first SAM was introduced, and I doubt any of us wants to wait four more…


nations with the Aim-9L/i will receive Aim-9Ms, since Italy got that for the Av8B+, but we only ever used the L/is

Any plan for adding AIM-7P/AIM-7H to F-14/F-16 seires? IRCCM-IR missiles would be matched for R-73 yet AIM-7P/H with mid-course correction feature would match R-27ER which provides much better top tier BVR balance


I wonder what jet they have planned for british top tier as I can’t think of much else but the eurofighter unless it’s going to be a South African sun tree?


because the python 4 has an irccm as strong as the stinger, being just un flarable currently. And the footage you posted is a custom mission with fantasy values, both for the python and the r73.


if they didnt change this, is a missed oportunity to put something that can counter the R-73 in terms of manouvrability what a shame.

no, the first part of the video are the actual missile code, and the last part was a modification that the guy did to the missile, about the IRCCM the Python-4 was using the same IRCCM that the 9M was using in the devserver soo… whats the matter??

What are you carrying?

Wouldn’t call it a double standard, it’s just that the Mig-29SMT needs to have some kind of an advantage over the 9-12 and the 9-13 since if it didn’t get better missiles it would just be a heavier version. It is bad for Germany since they’ll be left behind in terms of capability. And I hope germany can get a new top tier jet soon.

Which excuse? Mig-29G?



From my side i would like to know if the PSO will get access to its Frontal Armor.

Besides that Germanys Mig 29 should already get access to the R73, germany shouldnt stay alone without access to the better missle. Russia already got the Mig 29 a whole patch earlier as well, at least give germany access to the R73 at the same time as its introduction


It won’t happen anymore, just forget it. The developers have already shown their attitude towards the players


No, wait 2 more patches before the MiG29G finds its way into the game eventually, when everyone else is slinging AMRAAMs and R77s


Yup, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

I don’t like that they pick and choose when to be historically accurate.


The other possible Hungarian vehicles sound promising. I would really like to see a researchable Hungarian Tiger in the tech tree so Italy can finally have a heavy tank.
Also, will the Csaba not having its second driver modeled and the Gvozdika not being able to swim be fixed?


Will we ever get word on bug fixes and modeling fixes for top tier tanks, such as the M1 Abram turret gap, unmodeled penetrator rod angle overmatch shatter on the UFP, overperforming russian ERA defeating full KE rounds, etc?

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When will we get more maximum crew slots and crew presets? Starting to run out of room for all my lineups, even with everything maxed out :(


I think we should really have gotten a statement regarding the hull armour.


Since you mentioned those two countries, I have to say Chinese TT doesn’t have proper air units to counter Mig29’s r73 and F16C’s AIM9M as well.