Something needs to be done about CAS

CAS is currently way to easy to spawn, and can dominate an entire match. GRB players use tank scopes A LOT, so they can’t really see anything when a plane bombs them back to the stone age. Hearing them is also not helpful as you won’t know if the plane is targeting you or a teamate. A lot of tanks also don’t have any defense against planes since they lack MGs. I think that each player can spawn up to 1 plane per match, and can only rearm at their airfields once. Once a tank or SPAA shoots down a plane, that plane should not be able to drop bombs or strafe an enemy. They should instantly be returned to the respawn screen. Thxs for listening to this post, and I hope you join the fight against CAS.


CAS is one of the game’s most badly-misunderstood concepts.

It is badly implemented, not overpowered. Rather, mechanics which interact with CAS are the “overpowered” part. Its intended counters either don’t work at all or don’t work well enough to be worth the effort researching and learning. Or said intended counters are not functionally available when needed.

To truly “fix” this will be anything but easy, and no, merely adding a copy-paste mode minus CAS won’t be a cure-all or even really much of a remedy, because adding such a mode doesn’t address what makes CAS as annoying as it is.

Long story short, a real and serious “fix” would entail:

  1. Removing all mechanics that encourage revenge killing/revenge bombing. Revenge kills are unavoidable in any shooter game, but they shouldn’t be encouraged in any form. Currently the mode doesn’t just encourage it, it also makes it painfully easy.

  2. Overhauling how the counters work. SPAAG below radar tiers are almost totally at planes’ mercy, save for the Skink and Kugelblitz. Not all that many active players have the Coelian. Radar AAs are spotty in how well they track planes. SAM controllability has been shafted multiple times save for the Strela and Pantsir. All SPAAG and SAM machines are for all intents and purposes totally defenseless vs most tanks - they’re expected to move outside the spawn to areas CAS doesn’t expect, but aren’t given the tools to do it. Then meanwhile for the aircraft themselves, the best counter to a plane is another plane, so the fact that planes are stuck as “powerups” makes zero sense. Furthermore, the game sets up newer players to complain about CAS by having no tutorials to properly explain SPAAG, no default planes in everyones’ deck like even Naval has, no aim assist to counter unrealistic flight behavior of planes in “realistic” mode, I could go on and on here.

  1. Finally, CAS (and also tanks in general) just lack most of what they were really designed to do. CAS is forced into a pure tankbuster role it rarely partook in. Tanks are stuck on sardine-can maps. There are no supply lines, bunkers, strafe-able airfields, supply bases, AI infantry, towed AT guns, and a bunch of other possible interesting objectives to crucially get diehard tank and plane fans off each others’ throats.

Now, I do in fact agree that any vehicle in any game mode should lose all controllability and ability to fire weapons when considered “dead.” Doesn’t matter if its a plane incoming with bombs, a tail-less helicopter, or a fighter pursuing a bomber despite the fighter’s wing already being shot off. Also remember Zombie Sabres?


come to terms with it!

Yes, 11.7 CAS is OP.
It’s not easy to spawn though. 900SP is not easy to get.

Yes, new SPAA for the top end needs to be introduced to make CAS killable there again.

There are no mechanics that encourage revenge bombing.

SPAAG below radar is hilariously easy to use once learned and CAS is only effective well in the range of SPAA until 11.3.

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Kill camera? Midair spawn? Notification in large text of caps being taken functionally being “hi I’m a stationary tank in point [whatever], please shove a bomb up my exhaust pipe!”? Hello?

As if I wasn’t at a loss for words enough with you…

You fail to recognize that the “earn SP for plane” system IS the problem. So long as it remains a powerup, it is unbalanceable.

Theoretically true, but not so much in practice. AA have cluttered maps, are being asked to roleplay chameleons and inevitably fail doing so (either dying to a tank looking at the sky or vice versa), planes unequally benefit from 3rd person cam and mouse aim controls compared to AA, the cards are stacked firmly in planes’ favor unless the AA is exceptionally lucky AND the plane is both alone and exceptionally stupid.

But oh well, I suppose a brick wall would understand the problems far better…

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Midair spawn is exclusively a time reduction. It offers nothing for “revenge bombing”.
I have the kill camera disabled because it offers nothing other than lost time. It offers nothing over just knowing map positioning.
Capture points have nothing to do with revenge bombing either.

LOL! This is not what balancing is at all.
It’s not a “powerup” it’s an alternative method of action.
And for a plane to warrant 900SP, it needs to get 14 frags in one life to be equivalent to getting 2 frags in a tank.
Let alone the lower BR’d aircraft that are always within range of enemy SPAA.

Thanks for resorting to insults as your way of admitting your posts’ points are incorrect.

The way CAS is implemented, ingame makes it a power up. You spend more SP for a much better and much more difficult to kill vehicle. Planes should be made more expensive to spawn, since being able to be neraly immune to death, and being able to get easy kills is not balanced.

It is very easy to get out of range of SPAA, since their range is 1km at most. It is also easy to bomb, or shoot at any SPAA at lower BRs.

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Here’s the best solution, more people being incentivized to use SPAA and fighters. Perhaps even fixing the damn barring compass that only shows in planes if you go to the virtual hud display aka press V or whatever it’s called 3 times and the final thing needed is the option for people to stay “Hey we need Anti Air now!” or “Artillery here”
But that’s about all that’s needed.

Go post in one of the other 50 CAS threads we have up instead of making a new one


Another player unhappy with CAS but no TO mode and no answer from Gaijin as to why.

If a TO mode is so unpopular as a concept, then why do these threads keep appearing?

It has been suggested that we have a new and separate GRB with no tanks to run alongside the original GRB so those who want a rest from planes can have one without CAS as we know it being touched or nerfed in anyway.

Too logical for Gaijin and too logical for many of the players as well it seems.

This is not a TO topic however.

The answer is that, just like all duplicate topics, the OP either has not realised or is just very disrespectful to the forum by ignoring our rules here.

Number of posts =/= popularity. As you can see from your engagement in the AB side; it is much more popular (by a lot) but no real presence on the forum.

Again, OP might want a new mode but that is not the topic they are talking about.

This lack of cohesion among those wanting change is a good sign as to why nothing ever changes, and been pointed out for years with no change to attitude (minus your attempt).