Some words on Maps MM, Spawn Protection, SPAAs and Clouds, BR and Nuke

Hello and Welcome everyone!

Today i wanna make some suggestions and discuss some of my personal POV of current state certain things as well as some community related. All stuff is related strictly to Ground Realistic Battles, mostly for higher battle rating.

First of all, im asking to do not take post as a offence in any nation that we currently have avaiable in the game and try to take it as a suggestion towards what could be improved/changed in terms of better gameplay we could all have.
Second thing, i would love to see some response on those topics from devs/devs contact to bring some light on things that i pointed out and may or not find a good field to make everyones joy from playing better.
Last thing is i would say sorry if some of my sentences are wrong in terms of english lang. This is not my main language but i try my best. Thank You for Your understanding.


  • There is to little map bans/likes/dislikes: Make it more
  • Spawn protection is broken/SPAA spawn protecion is busted also: Remove it, make it shorter, disable after certain circumstances
  • SPAA are unbalanced, esspecialy on top tier: Adjustments for battle ratings and mechanics.
  • There is way to much thick clouds that blocks vision for any air vehicles: Make it less dence or more spreaded out, not on one height.
  • Current Battle Rating is a joke: Sacrifice one update for the purpose of overall BR rework/redoing.
  • Nuke is worthless: Make it more rewarding in terms of silver lions and xp.

1. As a first thing i would like to point out map mm system.
From the moment of introduction ability to ban/dislike/like maps, we got many more maps but yet… limit of our impact on map mm was rised only once. Even after that, number of new maps have been increased to the point where current limits is simply not enaugh. On top of this, we have consistently reworked maps that have existed in game before with effect that most good/decent maps are now heavly hated by community and oposite. Anyway, people moslty don’t like changes that are made on maps and pool of maps that they would like to play is pretty much reduced.

Here comes the problem of flexibility that we have with bans. Im gonna say it straight. We just simply do not have enaigh of bans/likes/dislikes for mm.

Suggested solution: Increase number of bans/likes/dislikes. Simple as that.

2.1 Problem of spawn protection.
In current state of game most of games in range of 8.0-11.7BR have so bad MM system that it ends up in domination of one team. As a effect of this, one team is spawn camping loosing one and pretty much doesn’t giving them any chance of survive, and i said pretty because of spawn protection system IN MY OPINION is now usless. It is way to long, doesn’t change fact of loosing game, makes lenght of match unnecessarily longer by people just spawning, taking 0-1-2 kills and some of them just j-out without consequences. This is sick and hella unhealty. If You gave enemy opportunity to brake into Your spawn, then just accept Your fate.

2.2 Problem of spawn protection with SPAA
Point me out someone, who doesn’t get killed by SPAA that spawned and was unable to die just because of spawn protection. We all know that in a close range and even in a longer distances, SPAA have huge advantage over any form of CAS that is trying to do its job but get spanked by spawn protection system. Killing enemy in tank as a CAS is almost guaranteed being imidietly countered by this person taking SPAA and killing You in a form of revenge. In higher ranks of jets we have some sort of ability to fight in longer distances but… more on that later.

Suggested solution for 2.1: Remove spawn protection completly OR reduce it to 3s (to prevent from killing more than one enemy with being untouchable) OR disable spawn protection right after shoting.

Suggested solution for 2.2: Reduce time of spawn protection for SPAA.

3 SPAA of “top tier”
Good luck trying to do something when enemy have Russia in team :)
As of now, BIAS that is represented by Russian tree overall and esspecialy SPAA tree is disgusting. Best top tier SPAA we currently have in game… one of the best second SPAA we have currently in a game with ridiculous BR… Third almost best SPAA we have currently in game and on top of that fourth best SPAA in game. And im talking about Pantsir-S1 that is indisputably best and most broken SPAA we have, 2S6 Tunguska that have laughable way to low BR based on capabilities, Strela that is insanely effective as a main or backup SPAA, Shilka-M4 that have insane effectivnes on her BR.
I know that there is more SPAAs that are also good but not as good as ones that i mentioned up. Fighting against Pantsir-S1 is incredibly hard as any jet, You spawn and imiditely got spiked by Pansir shooting You. Somehow You shoot him with any form of weaponry we have to fight? How about he see everything on screen? Yeah… Thing that this SPAA sees everything on screen in live is some nonsense. Even if You try to kill him in 90% of time he will do it fester than You or he just simply take down Your missle/bomb.

Same biased SPAA that is currently way to low based on his effectivnes is Ocelot. His mix of good AntiAir, low profile and “radar” is way to good for 9.7.

[BUSTED] Pantsir-S1 - 11.7 (i know it’s going to 12.0 but it doesn’t change anything as everything is going up lol)

ADATS - 11.7
(GB) ADATS - 11.7
Tunguska - 10.7 ???
Tor - 11.7
Ito - 11.7
FlaRakRad - 11.7
Type 81 - 11.3

Suggested solution:

  • Change BR on higher for 2S6 Tunguska (10.7 → 11.7)
  • Pantsir-S1 - Remove live vew of missiles/bombs - keep it only on radar with altitude information to help find target, reduce his lock target range.
    Introduce armament to fight with SPAA like HARMs.

3.1 Clouds - SPAA
Another thing i wanna point out is coulds problem. In most games i have, i need to face problem of low altitude, thick and condenced clouds that are making me unable to use properly CAS and fight back against SPAA that can easly see me through them. Those are static clouds on one height, that creates thick layer of non able to see through clouds… like a blanket. Why in pretty much 7 out of 10 games i need to fight agains SPAAs and weather combined? I know that clouds are real thing but density of them is ridiciolous.

3.1.1 Clouds spawn problem
How many times did You crash into mountain right after spawn in jet cuz You spawn in clouds hmm? Yea, i did that a lot. This is anoying af when You can even see where are You right after spawning.

Suggested solution: Make clouds less denced as a layer on one height. Make some spots to see through. Spread them out.

Nice clouds… 700m on a desert thick mass of clouds.

4. Battle Rating mess
Im not even gonna write a poem on how fc** up is whole BR now. This needs a overall rework in terms of real vechicle capabilites and fair fight as well as logic. Recent changes by streching just a small range of vechicles by one up doesn’t fix overall problem.

Suggested solution: Give Yourself one update brake and spend this time on fixing BR… This would be way more healthy for the game than adding 4 new copy paste vechcles.

5. Nuke is trash
Personally, i consider myself as a good player that pretty effectively earns Nukes. Got them many times and lately i just skip them. Why? Well… Why is something, that is hard to obtain for many ppl so usless in terms of reward? 2500 SP for many is a value that they will never get and if they do, thay have nothing benefit from that. 10.000 silver lions. BRUH, for real? Its not something that common that You can grind it for extreme richnes. Nukes could be easly way more rewarding than they are now. And im speeking this as someone who use them currently to win lost games, nothing more.

Suggested solutuion: Make nuke more rewarding like 100.000 silver lions and 5.000-10.000 xp. Make dropping nuke a multiplier to SL and XP at the end of a game.

For now, this is all as i want to see feedback from community and maybe devs what they think about it and if its way to personal. Thank You for any suggestions and criticism. Please, once again asking to do not take it as a offecne into some nations ingame. All nations have their broken and weak sides that im fully aware of.

I might edit this topic in the future. Any edits will be below.


I have a better solution: just remove it, withdraw everyone’s Pantsir S1 whether they have grind it out or not, and put a Tor M1 on the tech tree.

Plus: withdraw the change that nerf bombs HP so that they cannot be destroyed by merely one missile.

pov: launching mavericks at him

I’m currently playing a lot of 11.3 with new premium harrier and i can guarantee You that Maverick in 80% of cases is not enaugh.

As soon as You spawn he already got ping on You, lock You and shoot. You have to find him in this time, if You find then shoot and imidietly drop to deck or he will kill You. After You shoot he also imidietly see Your missle and easly shot another rocket to take it down.

yeah ik i sent all 6 of mavericks on him and all got intercepted

Yep. And on top of that, not every nation have acces to pod with termo.
So it is even harder to catch him.


New suggestion :

  • Remove all aircraft capable of launching missiles beyond the firing distance of the lowest anti-aircraft at same br
  • Remove all air-ground ir missiles impossible to avoid or add flares and alert to ground units
  • Remove all helis impossible to thermally lock at more than 3 kms while they can shoot missiles at 5, 7 kms

As usual, plane players complain about being destroyed too often and not being able to quietly destroy everything on the ground while the top tier of planes can destroy targets 20 km away, dodge missiles, use countermeasures …