1. Bomb physics
If you you drop a lot of bombs some bombs will fly through other bombs and I would like to see them bounce of other bombs.
2. Anatomy
Maybe give the human models in the game some form of simplified anatomy so that they don’t survive a 50 cal to the head. A hit to a leg shouldn’t do as much damage as a hit to the head. Maybe even give them some effects based on the body part hit.
3. Bomb damage to planes
A bomb hitting a plane directly shouldn’t do basically nothing. Make them punsh holes through the wings based on bomb and bomb speed. Or let the bomb fuze if it hits stuff like the engine.(don’t know how realistic that is but you get what I mean)
4. Ammo in open top vehicles
If you can see the ammo in a tank the ammo visible should represent the number of shells you can see in the x-ray mode. So we stop seeing things like this:
5. Shells coliding in the air
Would be nice to see maybe with some achievement behind it.
That’s all from me for now. What do you think about changes like this? Do you have other changes in mind?