Solution for 16v16

i was actualy thinking that all of them could stay on the same map size that we have for 16v16, reason is for 4v4 we could see some BVR fights we barely saw since radar missiles were added, and not to mention better balancing be cause we might see some aircrafts Dominate in 4v4 be cause of their BVR capabilities compared to others we have in game.

i would like Delisted maps for 8v8 but idk about the size.

Yes, but this is because of the map layout. Meaning we all start directly in front of each other and we fly straight forward. Now I’m only referencing air RB because that’s what I play. (I will confess that I mainly play jets at this point so this could play out differently for props. But the thought that I’ve put into this is mainly geared toward jets.) But my solution to resolve this is as follows:

Big maps. 100x100 and 128x128.

Multiple Spawn locations. As of right now we all spawn in one spot. Just like ground RB give us multiple, ideally three. This will help stop the funneling effect that occurs in air RB matches.

This one’s a little more on the controversial side. But I think the game should start with air spawns for everyone. I think depending on what you’re flying should dictate the altitude you spawn at. Bombers with bomber altitude, interceptors with interceptor altitude, strike fighters with strike fighter altitude, and fighters with a fighter altitude. But I think everyone should start with an air spawn.

Hide the location of the enemy airfields. Just like carriers in Sim battles. They should not be known until you actually discover them and even then it shouldn’t be marked on the map. The only way to find the airfield is to follow someone back to it.

Random airfield spawn locations. Meaning that the airfield isn’t always going to be in the same location on the map. It can vary. Same with the auxiliary airfields.

Multiple bases for bombing. Just like the large maps already have. More than four bases is needed.

Multiple ground convoys and fixed ground target locations spread across the map. This will also help with the funneling effect.

Add ships and carriers back into air RB. There are multiple aircraft that have the ability to take out these ships and carriers. But those loadouts are completely worthless because I can’t tell you the last time I’ve seen a carrier or an actual ship in an air RB match.

Like with ground RB. Provide an option for night battles. I can’t tell you the last time I had a night battle in air RB. It has been years. Once you get to a certain BR, the radars are good enough for each team to find each other easily. Plus from what I’ve seen from night battles it’s not all that dark anymore anyways.

Diminish the amount of ticket loss when it comes to AI versus AI. I’m not sure what the number is. This is just hypothetical. Let’s say if a player destroys a pill box it takes 100 tickets off. But if an AI destroys the pill box, it only takes 25. This will help prevent the AI from dictating matches as much as they do now.

I know this is not a suggestion thread. This is just me putting out my thoughts. Maybe if hashed out a little better and if other people have suggestions and like this. I’ll put the effort into actually making a suggestion for it.

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I don’t think it will stop it entirely, but it could reduce it.

I agree completely, it sometimes feels like taking off is just a waste of time.

I agree with the rest of your ideas, they sound good.

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Thank you. I have put some time and effort into what I personally would like to see in air RB. But this is the first time I’ve actually put it out into the wild. So I appreciate your feedback.

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Like i told you Simple search in these forums would do it all.

Btw thanks for flagging this Evidence Twice, if this was flagged again it’s U.

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this was the content of the flagged message Guys, he flagged it be cause he has the power to do so. just ignore people like him.

I didn’t flag anything, so you’re wrong on that front.

Again, nope… You’re wrong.

Like, I DID flag the content of this…

But it was because of the fact of what you actually said, not the evidence… If that ‘evidence’ was with that, then that’s your issue.

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I changed the content after you flagged it yet you still flagged it.

Nope, I didn’t reflag it…

I ONLY flagged it BECAUSE of the insult and abuse… You’re stupid for thinking that that’s fine to post.

Whilst I oppose what you’re saying there is no need to personally attack me in ANY manner.

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cant wait for real size conflict zone map with 64vs 64 and AWACS

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I’d have no trouble flying unarmed aircraft to actually support the team. Many would, but I am definitely fine with this.