So when is the Ta 152 getting it’s Airspawn removed?

That is a br compression issue and not an issue with the ammunition or cannon.
My reaper makes short work of enemy aircraft usually btw.

The original argument was that Hispano IIs are better than NR30s, which they just aren’t. Nothing to do with BR compression and whatnot tbf.

last time i played a spitfire it was the Mk14, got two consecutive games with 4 kills with hispanos wrecking corsairs on the first hit. Use stealth. Ta152H is useless below 3km with a similar energy state to anything else, even the Re2005 is faster than it.

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hispanos cause fuel explosions, NR30s do not. You need THREE nr30 cannons to deal critical damage to any target. Two or one will give you nothing.

To be honest, anything and everything looses in a turn fight against a spitfire at low alt except some japanese props. I could probably take out a Ta-152 in a Mk1 spit if I maanged to energy trap him at low alt.

the spitfire will win the n1k2 and with less chances, the zero at slow speed.

Re.2005 is slower at every alt
But Ta is damn slow indeed.

re2005 will smoke anything that’s not a zero in 1v1 and at any speed (unlike spitfires, which compress and don’t roll whatsoever). In a fair duel the spitfire mk14 or lf mk9 can just slow down to 120 IAS, sit on it’s engine, use flaps and turn on it’s own axis but on RB where speed matters first, unles an I225 comes in for a rate fight and the re2005 follows, there’s no way you can defeat an re2005 in a rb scenario.

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XDDDD Re.2005 will get eaten alive by Mk IX LF, Yak-3U will out-energy it to the point of ridiculousness and Ta-152H can hang with it farly well too.
J2M2 most likely will outturn it too, don’t know about J2M3.
Reeee is Iot worse tham G.55 S0 which has a ton better high speed maneubrability.

And then you have planes like P-51H or F2G that can fly circles around you due to immense speed and power advantage.

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that’s why i said that in an RB scenario the re2005 will only have chances if people engage. Yak3u can out climb and outpace it any day, at the end of the day it’s a spitfire mk9 without compression issues at the expenses of losing a gorillion amount of speed (i think)

Spitfire doesn’t have compression issues. It has exceptionaly good high speed controls. Also Re.2005 will get very sudden rudder and elevator stiffening even if it can maneuver at high speed pretty good. Also low rip speed is not fun at all.
G.55S0 has a lot better high speed controls. Re
2005.gets very awkward due to elevator lockup and weird delay to control input. G.55 S0 will jusy casually pull 13G and oerfectly line up its shots.

trust me, I’ve 1V1d a TTS duelist on my LF Mk9 and he was on Re2005, the spitfire will not hold any advantage at 450 and above and the spitfire rolls significantly worse than the re2005 and will have elevator compression issues bad enough to get reversed by something like a yak3 that can pull 12G’s at 600 IAS.

They were kinda equal BEFORE Re.2005 received SEVERAL nerfs.
Spit Mk IX LF eats Re.2005 alive nowadays and it’s not even close.

Yes, Spit will lock itself at 9G, you’ll pull 12, but if he goes up, you’ll both drop to speeds where Spit maneuvers way better in no time.

Also 600 IAS is generally only achievable in dive by either aircraft. And furthermore, Re.2005 will be the one below at the start of the fight. If fight starts above 2500m, that 600 IAS will not happen.
So equal alt the only chance for Re.2005 is to dive and hope Spitfire follows, AND that your pilot won’t black out before you pull that 12G reversal. I have ace crew and even then it’s usually super close… But most people don’t,.

Re2005 will win above 5000m, at 4000 it’s pretty equal, below 3000 the LF will win. The Spit IX will win at any altitude, as will the Spit V below any altitude under 5000m. Spit 14 and higher will lose at any altitude except maybe retarded high but never tried that.

The problem fighting LF is that you need to drop altitude quite rapidly as you don’t really have much engine performance so a sustained fight will typically drag to the deck where the LF has just so much power it can start looping you and you are done. All he has to do is take a simple pure pursuit line and he will out turn you, zero fancy flying required. If you don’t believe me, we can try, tried it many times against “TSS duelists” when I still dueled.

Let’s also not forget the LF will mostly start above you as it climbs a lot better, but we assume here you start at equal alt

the LF rinses re2005 at low alt, thing is i’ve compared it to the mk9 early (i don’t even remember what i wrote before) and they were very equal, at low speed mk9 would have the first turn but past 400 the re turns tighter.

You sure about that? If anything, lower IAS favors Spitfire, which also retains its engine power advantage even that high up.

LF lost a very large part of its engine performance high up…

LF has 1670 HP left at 5000m, and 1470 at 6000m.
Re2005 has 1470 HP left at 5000m, and 1430 at 6000m.

Any altitude below, LF got the upper hand.

Seems I got my numbers a little off, been a while since I tested it. So it’s from 6000m and up, not 5000m. Not that it really matters, or at least, not for me, I just yolo myself into a turnfight 99% of the time against the general WT player anyway. And in the current game meta, who still flies that high anyway.

A bunch of LF is the most annoying thing to face in the 2005, they have no surefire way to counter in the 2005.

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When premium Shekelfire was introduced, basically the only way not to get swarmed was to use then 6.0 Ta-152C3 and just head-on everyone. Oh god, it worked. Maybe it worked a bit too well, because head-on forcing C3 was kinda hard to counter. Of course if it got below 5300 vs F2G and couldn’t force a head-on, it was a toast. Now it’s 6.3 and the thrill is gone, meanwhile Reeeeee is in the same bad spot, only that spot got a tiny bit worse.

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300-250m CONVERGANCE??? Are you kidding me… that is convergence setting but for SIM! Not Air RB
Don’t you know that 'cause of setting like this your max firing range is cut to pathetic 600-500 meters??

MkV Hispanos can smoke people from even 1.2km away in head on, the AP round literally insta-kills engines and pilots, and 'spanos ballistics are just insane! Hardly needs any corrections to smoke people at range.

It’s not Hispanos fault, it’s your d*mn convergence that screws you over.

And 2nd, while german planes armament is indeed nose mounted, ballistics of Mk108 or Mg151 absolutely sucks, head-on is your last bet with those as the risk of being hit by enemy is massive, since effective range starts with 700m for 20mm and like 500m for 30mm. You will faster get hit by 13mm than cannons.

The only german armament that murders competition in head on (while not risking) is Mk103 as it is effective up to 1000m and has great velocity (pretty much Hispano experience but 5 times the damage per hit, and nose mounted) But only Ta152C and Do335A/B2 has those, so it’s your problem if you pushed head on with them, and you indeed deserved to die if you tried.

Your video shows that you just committed suicide, so no excuses, alright? You started engage at insane closing speeds while being closer than 600 meters apart, moreover you fly upside down (why on earth would you do that) and not in 60-90 degrees angle to enemy, even if you would try to dodge you would die as curving 30mm shells would catch you (Talking from axis experience).

If you fly 45-90 degrees to the enemy, your wing mounted armament and it convergence will slightly compensate for you shooting too high or too low instead of left and right when flying wing to wing.

Much higher hit chance, and much lower risk when dodging.

Also, psssst. Single Mg151 indeed, not strong enough to kill bombers now, you can fck them up, but it’s 50/50 when it comes to killing them.
Fighters tho? Even if first pass is not kill shot, they are usually f
cked pretty bad and can’t really retaliate so no biggie. Allied fighters are not biased, when you hit them, fuze goes off, and the damage being 70-80% of what it used to be is fine by me.
But mf yaks that ignore fuze and let shell pass thru it wings like nothing happend? f those planes and their users.
Cockpit glass will set the fuze, but wing area won’t.
Won’t matter if they make Mg151 kill in 1-2 shots if mf yaks will ignore 151 fuze altogether.

Also nothing is more salty, than allied pilots complaining that german canons op while committing all sorts of mistakes that were possible and getting hit from <400m 😂
They just work. Ballistics suck, RoF is mid, dmg is alright, that’s how it is.



Applying YOUR own logic here, with your words:


False flagging everything you don’t like! Nice! At least it is good to know, that you think your own words are inappropriate!