So when is the Ta 152 getting it’s Airspawn removed?

I partially agree on that, but mainly from the other side: We have a lot of planes with airspawn which are no real interceptors.

I mean just by definition interceptors sacrifice aspects like turn or range in favor of climb, speed and armament. So in theory they should need no airspawn as they should be able to outclimb standard fighters…

So seeing long range or escort fighters like F-82s, Hornets or night fighters like the P-61 with an ic spawn is simply a joke - gaijin is doing this for balancing reasons and nothing else.

On the other hand we have a hell of actual interceptors (lots of JP planes, Bf 109 Z, XF5F,…) without an airspawn - also due to balancing reasons.

The Ta 152 Hs versions were specifically designed to intercept expected B-29s, the GM-1 and MW-50 systems together affected alone due to the sheer weight the non stellar climb. But without high octane fuel they had to find ways to be fast enough at very high alts - you have all read about the struggle of JP fighters to intercept B-29s due to the lack of speed at very high alt.

Seeing the OP just as a moderately rant against German planes - it is fine, everybody is allowed to post his pov. I mean from a puristic view he might be right for the 152 C version (no interceptor), but without the airspawn nobody would use it in Air RB…

Fully agree.

On the other hand we have lots of planes which actually sucked irl and wt makes them champions like the J2M2s or SBCs. Either because they fit in the meta like J2M2s or benefit from bomber spawns like SBCs.

And to make this mess complete we have BRs settings based on average player performance (instead of actual plane performance) and/or income projections (in case they are premiums) leading to 1941 and 1953 planes at the same BR (109 F-4 vs Wyvern) or real combats like F6Fs (3.3) and A6M5s (5.0) nerver happen - besides the insane g-loads allowed by the game for one of them.

Rant out :-)

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You have just confirmed a point i made on another friend. The Ju288c might be the ONLY bomber in game performing reasonably well, but because of that, you consider all bombers are the same. The lancaster can rarely make it to a base, because its always intercepted by things like the Ta152.

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Bombers are not meta in Air RB, but in Ground RB some of them are very, very op. Pe-8 etc. and some of the fast attack bombers shine there.

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A ton of 288s are just bots now, no wonder they contribute nothing, and the sheer amount of them queuing battle forces tiny 6v6/7v7 matches which are just boring as well. Notwithstanding, allied have typically quite capable fighters at that BR just farming 288s for muh stats man

Yes hide my post because it’s so very offensive.


-spitfire mk14 will whoop it any day, speed, control, climb and pretty much anything except armament but, after realshatter correction and it’s a fact, hispano currently deals more damage per shell than NR30.
-op-51h is the best prop in the game BR to performance (and armament) period
-yak-3u has enough speed and climb to defeat it
-f2g will dunk on it the moment it goes up on the merge
-spitfire lf mk9 outrates it
-la-9 has better high speed authority

ta-152h is cracked, but it’s not by any means worth of airspawn removing, because a tu-2 climbs better than it. Treat it as a glider because it’s pretty much what it is.

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No they really don’t.

As for the rest, you’re only right about the P51H, the 3U and LF9 at low alt.

I’ve one thing to say really, the airspawn should stay but should also be toned down HARD. There’s way too many spaceclimbers in Tas, which on one hand is nice, I can do ground pounding, but on the other it sucks when you’re just trying to end the match and this random guy with 10k matches in his 152H (and barely .5 kd) is just sitting at 12 km, being annoying like the bot he is lol.

its an interceptor.

They do. When it stays this way, BRs for brit fighter really need to be upped across the board. Its now more firepower than the old pre-nerf MG151 had. So its currently too much in one package: maneuverability + speed + firepower triangle is a bit out of balance now.

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Yea it’s really not dude, I rather have a single MG151 than 2 Hispano.

Anyway, you don’t play anything British ever and just complaining because you’re use to being tickled by broken hispano guns for the last decade and now they suddenly have 1 round which can actually damage you. Whoopie.

The only round in Hispano’s which actually does damage is the HEF, and at most 50% of a belt is HEF with a SAPI that’s pretty harmless and an AP, as opposed to German 20mm 3 HEI/APHE/API combo in the stealth belt in which every round does a load of damage, or the air belt with 4 HEI, APHE, and a tracer. A single MG151 has a more consistent damage output than double Hispano’s because guns always fire the same round at the same time.

I’ve been playing exclusively Spitfires in the 4.3-5.0 BR range because those games during specific hours are really challenging as you fight exclusively stacked US+Russian teams. There have been so many cases of shooting US/Russian/German planes where the guns just giving hits and crits. A “1 tap kill” isn’t a common phenomenon with Hispano’s. It does happen, but happens the same with any other gun in the game, and much more frequent with MG151/Shvaks/B20s/Ho5/Type99/ANM2&3 currently

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they actually do. And anything else is much better than the ta152h for the sole fact they have engine power. The only thing that doesn’t cope well against the H is the sea fury, but that’s because the sea fury is a 4.7 plane at 5.7.

Mind you, I’ve used NR30’s and Hispanos enough to see that NR30s no longer cause the glorious fuel explosions while Hispanos nuke jets as if they were hit with a car sized grenade.

You ain’t outturing a ta-152 (H-1) with landing flaps. Though, that aircraft is the only redeeming factor for germany, considering every game is 6vs6 and 4 of those planes will be ju-288 every time

Reading this gave me eye haemorrhage

No you wouldn’t. With 2 Hispanos you’re able to take people out with short burst from 600m away and it’s pretty easy. With MG151/20 600m is well over 1s of shell flight time and I’m talking about 600m being entire travel time because a lot of shots vs moving enemy will cause overal distance travelled to be much greater.

Anyway, I’m a huge fan of Ta-152H.
But it gets cancelled by matchmaker and Spitfires right now. Yak-3U and Yak-9UT will probably both beat it in a dogfight.
Ta-152H without airspawn could go to 5.3…

…and then suffer from mostly the same MM it had before, maybe right now it’s not a good time for changes like this.

Agreed. German mains are just salty they aren’t OP any more and need to learn to be patient. I dont think their cannons are on real-shatter yet because of the APHE rounds. When that happens, they’ll be even more OP as their shells should 1 or 2 shot people.

The other issue, is people trying to turn fight a Spitfire in a situation that 100% favours the spitfire. Before they could get away with it because we were firing potatoes at them. Now, we actually do a realistic amount of damage and they are getting destroyed instantly. By all accounts, 0.5-1 second worth of weapon fire is plenty to secure a kill IRL.

and then you have people like Loofah who think you can snipe at 600m with the Hispanos. I rarely if ever have my convergence much higher than 300m usually 200-250m. Meanwhile the germans and their nose mounted guns can fire at long range with ease.

And for anyone who thinks the Ta-152’s guns do no damage…

(I know I shouldnt have tried to head on the guy, but he was last alive, and it was late. I couldnt be bothered to bait and chase)

Sure, hispano’s are the best guns in jets. Absolutely rek people, should have put hispano’s on all the jets. Go fly mk24 and shoot people, enjoy the hit and crit show.

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Your opinion of the plane is highly inflated.

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You let him hit your underside as well while you did not hit him at all.
Does nto say much about the damage it can go the other way just as easily.

What ammo are you using?

I use practice belt: P/T/P/T

In all seriousness, I only use stealth on any of the hispano belts as they do most damage (always have).

Hispano mk2s with their lower rate of fire (600 rpm) and inconsistent damage due to only having at most 50% of rounds actually doing damage are terrible in jets. Even the mk5s, while having a better volume of fire (750 rpm), are still not great in jets.

There’s no problem to kill people somewhat reliably in props with mk2s, you generally have a higher time on target because you can keep up with other props. But when you fly a 7.0 spitfire against jets that casually sit above 800, your time on target is far less, you connect less rounds before they are out of range/out of your guns when passing by, you do consistently less damage.

Here’s a recent video (after realshatter fix) of Spit mk24 in jet games that pretty much sums up the experience you’d have, it’s a bit of a shitpost I know, but its also pretty close to the real experience: