I’m sure you have all experienced this at some point, you point your radar at a target with high closure, in open airspace, and heading directly for you but for some reason only snail knows your radar refuses to even acknowledge the existence of the aircraft flying right at you. Anyone know have any speculation as to what combination of server/client fuckery causes this clownshit?
Was it a eurofighter? cuz it has some elements of stealth technology, and if not that case. its probably just the game being buggy, or some line of spaghetti code
No, it was very obviously an F-16, did you watch the video? This had absolutely nothing to do with stealth, simply a confluence of unknown bugs between the server and client (my assumption based on nothing tbh).
I would say it’s spaghetti code. It happens the worst in the MiG-29smt
A new radar that was recently added being buggy? Say it ain’t so.
This has happened to me with every single airborne radar at some point.
Happened to me, I was trying to lock to a guy head-onning me in the MiG-29’s HMD, helmet kept going to TRK IR, I tried to manually switch it to PD everytime. Couldn’t go to ACM mode because my teammate was infront of me and it kept switching the lock to him.
Alot of times in the MiG-23ML too, ACM mode just refuses to lock to a target painted in the sky.