Smaller team sizes option does not work

That too. Problem with money printers (cough Wyvern…).

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I know you have to deal with a lot of varied opinions and anger being thrown your way but is there any plan for the devs to have a Q&A?

Or for the devs to address some of War Thunder’s developer gameplay choices?

There’s some very common comments and questions that the community has been yelling about for years and very few of these go answered or addressed.

For aviation,

  1. Why is Gaijin committed to 16 vs 16 for top tier Air RB?

  2. Outside of Sim, all gameplay seems to be tailored for super quick 5 to 10 minute matches. Is there any plan for longer form gameplay outside of Sim? Even maybe a weekend only RB EC like Naval EC?

  3. Is there any plan to update the AI objectives in air game modes? Shooting IL-28s in my F-16C is pretty funny.

  4. There’s an S-300 model in the files. Are there plans for new mission types? How will this fit into the current game modes?

  5. Are there any plans for a combined arms Arena style mode or a mode more focused on PVE?

Just some answers on the future of this game would be great because at the moment, many are really struggling with the game modes replayability. Despite the new vehicles and missiles, gameplay remains a bit stale.



More attention is from more players and possibilities.
It’s your decision if you don’t want to hone that ability.

We really need new or reworked gamemodes. Air RB EC would be perfect for 4th gen aircraft.


Its a simple fact that smaller match is much harder and realistic than the WoWP arcade tier 16v16 air rb we have.


Actually, having 12v12 or 16v16 requires the same amount of awareness since you do not know from where or when the ennemy will come out.

The only moment where it is more challenging is when the ennemy is in range to strike. In 12v12 you might have the opportunity to fight off the ennemy, but in 16v16 it’s near impossible.
The reason why is because you have 25% more ennemies and so 25% more chance to have 25% more ennemies going towards you…

That’s why 12v12 is better less chance to get 3rd partied. And even if you do, it is less chance to 100% getting killed.

Also you have more chance to get kills since less people might come in your way at the very same time.

ANYWAY, it’s not the subject of the discussion, everything we want is to have the option completly restrict to only 12v12 matchmaking. ALSO make it clearer that it is an option in the game and where to find it !


Please just tell the dev we want it to completly restrict to 12v12 even if it means longer waiting for the matchmaking (but also less time since it requires fewer people) ;

Also if it can be more clear that it is an option in the game… I watch the youtube video, the patch note and the article… But it’s hard to read and it’s easy to miss important informations…
A friend needed to tell me that it was implemented and where to activate it…

So if it can be directly wrote below the “FIGHT” button it would be incredible !


The amount of enemies per person stays the same.
You don’t have more enemies going toward YOU.
it’s not you vs the world.

The 12v12 option does work. Sure it’s rare like night GRB but it still works. Have had a bunch of 12v12 games today.

How can the number of ennemies per person stay the same when you have less people in each team ? You litteral do not explain yourself and claim argument… While I told you exactly why and how it wouldn’t be as you claim.

You are the only one talking about someone vs the world, you are making statements but everything you say is in contradiction with the last thing you wrote… You are the only one to refuse the truth…

I could literally show you gameplay of 12v12 and 16v16 AND YES, you have more people going towards you in 16v16, it’s just statistic and logical. And I already explained that.

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The thing is, it could work better if the option was more visible in game, so I am making a suggestion for it, still pending tho

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It’s 1 person per enemy.
16v16 is still one person per enemy, just as lower arcade player counts are.

You can accept the truth at any time.
You can stop contradicting yourself at any time.

Also a well known troll is liking your posts, so it’s obvious you’re in the wrong.

War Thunder’s AI overhaul will finally make air RB EC possible.

Also a well known troll is liking your posts, so it’s obvious you’re in the wrong.

  • 1st Lmao I do not even remembered to have like my own post and I bet this one will be automatically like without any of my actions.

You can accept the truth at any time.
You can stop contradicting yourself at any time.

  • 2nd I think it’s clear you are the troll here since you are just repeating what I said about you… And everyone who read the post just know you are contradicting yourself.

You say :

If you want “proper dogfights”, aka arcade gameplay, custom battles are for you.

If I want to 1v1 someone, I DM them on Discord and we go at it for 10 - 60 minutes.

But you are also saying :

It’s 1 person per enemy.
16v16 is still one person per enemy, just as lower arcade player counts are.

Which is also in contradiction with :

The more players, the more you’re a cog in the machine and the more awareness you need for personal survival.

So basically to sum it up, you say : You need to be aware of everything and everyone and in 16v16 it’s a cog in the machine (which means you can potentially get attacked by 2 or more ennemies… So by this standard the player count can’t be 1 for 1 at anytime given, but you also say :) that the ratio is 1 person per ennmy (you forgot the part where it never is like that because even with the same number of people in each team, fights are often 3v1 if not more).
(And lastly you are again going at it, saying) that 1v1 are for arcade or custom battle (which is in contradiction with your 1 person per ennemy [true in number but not at anytime and it is obviously not going to be like that in battle, which is the most important ] )

  • So again, we are discussing what happens in battles and not number that are obviously useless since you use them inapproprietly
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You are ignorant my friend.
An average player never touches any of those, he sits at his pc and plays.


I agree, smaller team sizes option does not work for me either, 95% of the games are 16v16 and 12v12 is the other 5%, ever since the patched came out, I never got 10v10 or 8v8 or 6v6.

The game turned into a chaos with players spamming missiles, it is no longer skilled gameplay, its just luck. I wish we had new gamemodes, like destroy enemy AA and AF (S-400, Patriots) with strategic aviation like Tu-95, B-52H that launch long range missiles, you got AWACS on your back, enemy team has got to defend and etc. There are plenty of ideas to implement but current top tier gameplay is just deathmatch and this gamemode hasn’t changed in years.


I’ve never even managed to get a 12v12 one