Small maps, too many players, and other issues with Air RB

Afghanistan was restricted, and I for one am glad it was brought back. It however is an exception to the rule, and was only brought back because players demanded it, it’s a nice break from the massive maps that are the rest of the rotation.

I get that you’re the best WT player ever in your mind, but 16v16 is what makes the game playable for those of us that are good to average.
Air RB has always been about positioning and awareness, which are both skillsets; just like real life.

But yeah, keep claiming that the good in the WT community that represents my views more than not are all bad take sayers.

Air RB EC requires a new AI so demand WT makes a new AI, and that would still be 16v16 if not more.

If you try and use positioning at prop and early jet tier, the match will be over because every game is a steeamroll for one side. If you use it at top tier, the same thing will happen.

16v16 has made air RB way worse than it used to. It is an assault on your senses, and it doesn’t reward skillfull play. Every 1v1 ends in a 3rd party at some point, and it doesn’t allow for prolonged fights. Better players should not have to have a worse experience because worse players want something that gives them easy kills.

It does not. Just fiddle with the marker system, and copy+paste SB EC with RB controls.

SB EC is broken and needs new AI as well. There’s a reason Pyrenees doesn’t have an EC version yet. Gaijin’s clearly waiting for new AI.

Stop demanding trash when you can demand good instead.

It would be better than the trash that currently is 16v16 ARB.

Because Gaijin doesn’t care about sim?

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