SL and RP are becoming less and less

With the new base bombing calculation, the player’s income is lower than before, which is not in line with gaijin’s promise to the player last year.
The development team explained that the fighter jets carrying rockets took away the base of the bombers,but why bombers with bombs and fighter-bombers even been weakened?

Why always reduce the player’s RP and SL?
fighters can still have the kill streak bonus
, but the bomber’s revenue has been declining in the past two years (except for last year’s base quickly reanimated “bug”)

Of course, this is just my opinion, let’s see what players think of this change.

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SL and RP need a re-work in general when it comes to rate of income/gain.

I posted this elsewhere but it seems fitting to repost it here.

The Research Points and Silver Lions gained from completing objectives and inflicting damage on targets is in dire need of review. As it stands the grind seen in WT is doing harm to the game. I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be any grind or that it shouldn’t take time to unlock stuff but as it stands the time it takes for your average player to progress to the upper tiers is absolutely horrendous and damaging to the player experience.

Perhaps it’s time that Gaijin shift to task based Research and SL bonuses with aircraft receiving increased rewards for the completion of tasks relevant to its role. Fighters would receive increased income for destroying enemy aircraft, Strike aircraft would see increased income from destroying ground vehicles and static defences, Bombers would receive increased income for destroying static defences and bases and finally multi-role aircraft would be balanced around the idea of “jack of all trades, master of none”.

I’m not pretending it would be a perfect system, easy to implement or a fix to all the progression problems we’re seeing but it would at least reward players for playing based on the intended role of their aircraft. The glaring issue this doesn’t address is the rate of progression/SL gain seen in ground battles and naval battles but given the nature of these battles it maybe best just to increase over all RP/SL gain for these vehicles.

I appreciate that it’s up to Gaijin to determine their intended rates of progression but it appears as though they are actively harming WT. I’d be interested in seeing infographics for “number of registered accounts to active accounts” along with “average progression time to reach top tier” (graphics for ground, heli, naval and air) and an infographic displaying the “average place in tech tree” for both active accounts and inactive.

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This is just the beginning. Might be even worse:

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that, sir, would be a dream.
But the reward should be something relevant, not the usual negligible 5% or so.

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