SKR-7 is too strong at BR 4.3 increase its BR to 4.7 or 5.0

This ship at BR 4.3 is OP.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is most likely someone who knows very well that it is OP and wants to keep it that way.

If you’re far enough away, rockets will wipe you out, and if you’re closer, say goodbye to your weapons while they take out the rest of you. And it feels a lot heavier than something like this should be.

Honestly, this thing is one of the big reasons why people don’t persevere with naval. It’s not exactly fun to go in and get slapped around by some clubber in this OP thing.


it was ok pre-update but now HE shell spam wins in naval.
the fact that so many people spam it should be evidence enough of how OP it is


Naval is either clubbing or getting clubbed.

Would you play with SKR against 6.0 ships? Exactly…


Wasnt, you can find plenty of threads about it. But WT players are so selfish that they only care about it when they are on worse end. When they get downtiered they dont care and enjoy it.

There is plenty of ships like this. Useless in uptier, stomping in downtier.


Wrong. This ship was op before current update due to broken dm. Now each destroyer salvo takes around 20% of its crew and on top of that skr is prone to ammoracking. Any 4.7 destroyer or cruiser anihilates it in seconds.


Yeah the HE update goes both ways. Spam ships definitely got a massive damage buff, but they’re also a lot easier to kill with destroyer HE.

And if you think SKR-7 is bad at 4.3, imagine facing Isuzu or Dealey in a 2.7.


I confirm there have been several posts repeatedly pointing out the SKR-7 for being too strong a ship for its BR, and that it needed to be increased their BR. It’s obviously the moderators ignored them I wonder if this forum is of any use since when a problem is pointed out on Russian vehicles they actively ignore the problem except when there is a need to repair or upgrade a Russian vehicle then the problem is fixed immediately.

But you forgot to mention that of all the ships in the game this remains the most obscenely OP ship compared to all the others.

If it’s true that the developers put the “Freccia P-493” at BR 4.7, a patrol boat with only 3 40mm cannons, then “SKR-7” should be at least at BR 5.0 since it’s a much better armed frigate. (Rockets, Torpedoes, HE 75mm rapid-fire projectiles).

I don’t see anything wrong with SKR-7 meeting 6.0 ships, let the Russian players learn to play for once.


While I agree that SKR is indeed OP for it’s BR, I certainly know that it isn’t issue of just SKR.

USA DDs are OP too for their BR and nothing is being done.
Scharnhorst is most OP battleship in the game for almost 3 years and nothing is being done about it.

The explanation is simple - BR compression which as it currently stands is unsolvable. We would need to completely restructure TT and gamemodes to allow any meaningful decompression.


I don’t think the SKR-7 really needs a BR increase. The issue with the SKR-7 is that it has a bugged DM (along with few other boats) that allows it to survive salvos of high caliber (128mm+) HE rounds after salvos, only blacking out a turret or something.

If SKR-7 DM wouldn’t be as op, It could stay at 4.3. Its a small boat-like tincan without armor. Very small crew as well. But ingame its like a bullet sponge, it soaks up damage in a way that seems unrealistic.

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Oh my, we’re back necroing threads about SKRs?

This was the last thread, running live till August (newer than the one you have necroed, which ended April): Can something be done to nerf SKR-7?

Protip: SKR-7 crew distribution, datamined from the game files

If you’re lucky, you can kill it with 2 salvos - one to the front, and one to the aft. But the thing is very survivable if all you do is shooting center of mass.

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lmao, all under the waterline in the engine bay and front ammo rack, wtf are they doing there? You’d expect more in the bridge and under it than is shown. Nasty.


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If you know where to aim it isnt

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Thats the problem. The main crew modules are inaccessible to most weapons of this BR. You need AP or SAP shells, which aren’t that abundant on these BRs. Alot nations just have HE ammo for their 80 to 100mm guns…and these can’t penetrate to the crew modules. You just may pepper the deck structures and wait the crew to be replenished and shot again… this take ages, while the RBU9000 missiles and these magic autocannon rip away even destroyers and cruisers in no time.

Does it make sense that all the crew is concentrated in modules deep below the waterline? Its like this with capital ship citadels. But not for a patrol boat like the SKR.

Also the damage effect is strange. Crew below waterline or not. If a 100mm HE shell hits this ship, it should be crippled in an instant.


every destroyer around the BR with the exception of japan and guichen has access to base fuse HE, SAP or APHE, and even the smallest 10.5cm cannons are able to punch easily into compartments… you are making up stories at this point lol


The SKR-7 is tougher than most destroyers for some reason. I’ve struggled to take it out with 155mmm HHE on my Mikuma. It was a bot SKR-1 but I’ve had salvos after salvos, knocking out turrets (only turrets!!).

That shouldn’t happen.


Im playing Mikuma regularly and skrs are always one or two shot for me, so I call that a skill issue.

The reason HE spam will quickly delete a regular DD is because you’re farming crew through the turrets, with every single mount netting you some crew.
On the SKR you have two manned mounts in the turrets, and the bridge, that’s it. Only salvoes that land while they are functional kill some crew, this is why it’s better to switch to AP and just ammorack them. Especially since most people run the RBUs.