Skip confirm doesn't skip in the next turn

it is annoying that this doesn’t actually skip in the next turn and it is a waste of time


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Used to work before update .

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i dont know why this update is so broken but this is so annoying that gaijin drop their hard work and rush to put the WIP update. so many thing that need to be fixed and done but still put it live. also Kunass2000 got a bug that chaff and flare doesn’t work with that new feature

I have another bug that will never get fixed ,all german 6.3 to 7.7 is 100 % guaranteed uptier …every match

HHhmm … and why do I meet so often Tiger II tanks in my 5.7 battles?

The way it works is it skips this confirmation:

It is working as it should, you just weren’t aware of how it actually works.

it shouldn’t pop up and ask me that if it check mark “Skip confirmation” in the next round(next game) but i need to still confirm that after i already confirm in the last round.

i know how it work and it should be work like when you bring the ammo that isn’t max capacity and it is pop up and ask you that question and it is have a Skip checkmark.

If you are trying to say that if “skip confirmation” is check that the menu shown in your original picture isn’t supposed to show up then you are wrong. It always shows up and the skip confirmation is for the menu in my picture.

The “Train crew” dialog box when you unlock a vehicle even when you click not to is also back.

it is supposed not to show up in the last patch and that why I’m not doing anything about it until this patch came up.