Sinai not appearing for me after countless matches for a month (AIR)

Its been countless matches since I have gotten Sinai in ARB. More than possibly 500 matches have passed and I have not been able to get Sinai when I queue for Air Realistic. I have tried different countries, brs, and planes and Sinai has not appeared for a long time. No, I dont have memory loss because i always am looking for Sinai as a map because most of the maps I get are Vietnam, Golan Heights, Southeastern City, Pyrenees, and Kamchatka often. The only way I can play Sinai is in ground battles. I made a post on reddit complaining about this from a MONTH ago. I haven’t gotten Sinai in air realistic for a month, but nobody on that post responded or called out that Sinai is gone from their maps queues as well. I understand most do not care because it is not a favorable map for most, but people have had a similar issue where Sinai does not come up at all in their matches. I can’t file a bug report because I must give them evidence of Sinai not being in my map queues at all, but that would take all my storage for countless screenshots and time of playing air realistic battles in War Thunder to prove that Sinai is not in my map queues. I want to know if any other War Thunder players are having the similar issue, either with the same map or another, to call out to Gaijin to fix this issue.


It hasn’t appeared in the server replays since at least late December, but I assume it’s been gone for much longer than that.

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By the way, When the update: “Firebirds” came out, I remember a changelog which said Sinai was removed for a bug and was “brought back.” I am going to try and find it now.

Found it:

Sinai was removed. When this changelog came out, it was the time when I stopped getting Sinai in my map queues. Very weird.


Also, just like you said, no recent Sinai games


If Gaijin would be so kind as to bring regular Sinai back and include EC Sinai into the rotation that would be so nice 🥹


I guess removing it means that you cant die to its invis walls