Simulator battles need improvements

Simulator battles in war thunder are my favourite ones. It is far more enjoyable than realistic battles but there are so many missing roles in this mode.
We need a lot more action in this mode. Imagine how cool it would be escorting Cargo across a continent while the Opposition is on its way nuking your headquarters. There would be so much potential wich could be used by adding minor details like the mechanism of Air refueling or adding slightly bigger maps.
I would love the addition of a gamepoints for spawn -plane like an Ac130 to take out most of the ground targets without exploding after one shot of AA or a Kc350 in wich you fly around the map getting rp for refueling teammates. Even just an SR71 to Spy on “hidden” enemy troops and ground forces would make people like me happy.
Best Wishes,


that would take like actualy work hours by some devs, that costs money my friend

now go bomb those stealthy ground units that pop up from 700 m and vanish underground

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In my opinion only AI PvE is the answer to all problems.

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exists, it’s called DCS


I would not say that the difference between DCS and WT is PvE.

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it is necessary to reduce the number of points given for attacking airfields

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well everything you are saying can be done on DCS, that’s why I answered like this