Sim is broken

Radar canot lock further 20km, and i can lock only friendly, i need to try manny times to be able to lock reds when there is manny in front of me.
AI going 2000kmh from 7.0 to 13.3 br.
Bases need more life.

Sim is the forgotten mode but devs need to understand that the more pple play, the majority will go from arcade to rb to sim.

I’ve had no issues with radar recently…

What aircraft do you have those issues with?

the “Destroy the Attackers” objective has the attackers doing insane negative G (up to 10 Neg G!) maneuvers that are impossible to follow through. On Denmark, the AI Attackers and bombers (those that attack ships) end up going so low to the water, they start going up and down with no regard for Neg G limits too.

Haven’t rechecked yet, but apparently torpedoes may not work in some Sim maps (that have water ofc)

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