Plain and simple, there are at least 3 vehicles in each nation that have substantial direct and indirect fire capabilities which are rarely seen inside of maybe 3-5 lineups, despite their incredible ability to punch above their tech tree tier. Vehicles such as the SU-122, 2S1, 2S3M, the new M44s, all the Paladins/M109s for example should be added to more lineups to provide other options, ranging from the 3_1 to the 10_2.
Certain artillery vehicles such as ones with laser rangefinders and/or IR sights should not be in anything lower than the 9_2 lineup, such as the infamous VIDAR or PZH2000s.
This also includes the unguided rocket launching ONLY vehicles, such as the 15cm Panzerwerfer, the BM-13N, and the Type 75 MLRS.
Logical replies or questions about SIM only please.