You’re probably living in the Yasukuni Shrine. You need some copy paste in order to have good lineups.
Japan’s been a problematic faction in this game in terms of trying to nail down quality of play experience against fairly marked potential interest from a broader as well as dedicated playerbase, and I think the culprit is that despite being one of the original 5 factions, until the introduction of Israel, Japan was the sole faction who kept mono-national status, namely, there is not a single vehicle in the tree that exists under an operator separate to Japan.
While one can make an argument pertaining to how copy paste may or may not compromise tech tree integrity, Japan’s in fact a fairly low count faction in this respect, with factions such as Germany boasting double as many foreign designs in their tree, not a few of which are also foreign-operated.
The merits of asymmetric balance inside of the uniqueness of each faction also somewhat fell apart due to the fact that this is a standard that is not applied to other factions to any meaningful degree, and moreover that we’ve seen what the alternative to subtrees has as a consequence, namely paper vehicles and other copium.
I’d argue that the case for concern over copy paste has been an obsolete argument for quite some time now, as it is not an evenly laid argument and stands against the improvement of the issues which prevent performative improvements of factions, and all the same has effectively not been the case for years in the first place. At the very least, such concerns are also effectively irrelevant with the nature of the current day matchmaking climate.
Overall, I’d call foul to staying mono-national when it’s overly restrictive, harmful to potential growth for the faction, and a double standard comparing against the climate of virtually the entire rest of the game. If one wishes to roleplay with restrictions they can do so on their own prerogative without compromising quality of play for the faction as a whole, this is precisely why lineups exist.
The upcoming Saturday, January 13th, is not only the Children Day in Thailand, but also Thai National Aviation Day as well!
To commemorate both Thai Children Day and National Aviation Day, There are going to be both static shows of planes and Fly-by shows all around Thailand. If you are a fan of aviation and want to visit Thailand to learn more about Thai aviation, January 13th is the day to come!
Featuring in this occasion are several of Thai wings and flight schools, as you can see on the pictures above.

I dont see big 3 getting copy cat vehicles from other trees on regular basic just to fill the tree? Why should Japan keep getting american things in tank tree?
Japan is nowhere near having the amount of vehicles the big 3 has. Wake up shindo.
It can be filled with japanese stuff. Gaijin just adds anything unique japanese like Ka-Chi as 1 chance event and copycats are regular in the tree.
Show me Japanese jet planes that could be used in a CAS role
Like with what?
Japan lacks any serious ATGM carrier and I don’t think it’s going to change soon. The LAV does not have a fixed ATGM launcher, so I don’t think it’s eligible
No modern/high tier IFV. Even if they add the ICV (the new 8x8 IFV), that’s 9.7 tier and it only has a Bushmaster. Also, I’m not sure about you but I personally hate these gigantic boxes they have added like the Vilkas and VBIC
Top tier also lacks variety. You can choose a Type 10, a Type 10, an 11.0 Type 10, a Type 90 or if you want to get spicy, a Type 90 (B) ! I understand this is entirely “Japan’s fault”, but you get my point. The 48t config has yet to be shown to the public either. Same thing as France with the Leclercs but at least they have options for support vehicles and maybe the EMBT in the future
Not to mention CAS, Japan is never going to have competent CAS unless they add ASMs and GCS-1, but considering we still don’t have them I doubt we ever will. JDAMs are alright but they are only good against stationary targets considering their small size
Most of the unique things that were suggested and could help Japan without a subtree (Komatsu B78 / GSR, CCV etc) are great, but we just simply have no information on them
Japan lacks any serious ATGM carrier and I don’t think it’s going to change soon. The LAV does not have a fixed ATGM launcher, so I don’t think it’s eligible
It is not totally true. There is one vehicle with 6 ATGM and, honestly it looks like the refreshing the Japanese tree or even revival of Japanese top tier.
It is MMPM or Chuu-Ta.
It is Toyota based ATGM carrier with 6 special missiles which can be guided with Fire-and-Forget method or laser, like Hellfire.
Also the aiming system looks good because it is the Thermal sight (The vehicle from 2009 so I am sure it is 3rd generation) and Radar what can detect vehicles. And all of This is located on high bar what allow shooting from the safe cover.
And yes, all of this on Toyota drift base!
Oh, You are right, I totally forgot about that thing. Hopefully we see it soon since we already have some Spike/Spike-like vehicles in game.
Your name reminds me that I recently suggested Ohka. Have you seen?
I was talking about ww2 tanks that could fill the tree. I play only ww2.
I got renamed because my previous name was offensive so I just choose something at random, don’t read too much into it
Yeah I read the suggestion, I voted yes but honestly I’d rather see some other guided munitions first like the Ki-147 which would be easier to implement and are less offensive, especially after reading other people’s concerns
I’d love the supposed interceptor version though, shame there is not much info on it
oh okay then
So I am assuming you are proposing an unprecedented addition into the game? Since as far as I know, not a single subtree nation currently have more than one top tier vehicle (not Finland, not South Africa).
To be fair you never add all options at once. The game lives from having vehicles that aren’t yet in game, so having options is just about the most important thing for a techtree.
All existing subtrees have the option for additions that players can look forward to, that they keep playing the game for and that they keep playing the techtree for.
As for the amount of top tier vehicles per subtree, I don’t think there is any fixed guideline. South Africa and Hungary none yet, while Finland has two. And keep in mind that none of these subtrees is done, they will keep getting vehicles in future updates.
Finland has two, the 2A6 and ITO 90M (not part of the Finnish line and added in a previous update, but still from a ‘subtree nation’). The Hungarian Leopard and Lynx were both top rank when implemented., though not sure if that qualifies them as top tier.
For what it’s worth, South Africa has one for air forces in the JAS39C, and it’s been arguably the most game-impactful one to date (While ITO and 2A6 are competitive top tiers, the relative leap in performance of the UK air forces from the Gripen being provided was greater than the addition of the 2A6 was to Sweden).
Whether or not one supports the Thai VT-4, I will say it certainly counts as a double standard to pretend that top-tier subtree content that is present outside of the native faction does not exist, and it’s especially ironic given the VT-4’s nature as an export vehicle.
I don’t personally consider it a vital addition in a broader sense, especially if the Oplot-T is up as a candidate, but I’m also not against it due to the standards the game has already, and would again refrain from closing doors on arbitrary double standards. There may be other arguments as to why it would not belong, but the argument about top tier gating is nonsense as it does not reflect on the rest of the game.

If you look at the infographic for 2024 Children Day’s static show, you will notice a little plane that, despite having not been used by Thai Airforce, makes an appearance on the Children Day’s show. I am talking of, of course, the North American P-64.

The story of how North American P-64 nearly got itself into Thai service is an interesting one. In short, P-64, initially called NA-68 before being pressed into American service, was the fighter plane that Thailand brought from US prior to the Franco-Thai war. The order of purchasing was later canceled by the US as Thailand began its military operations against French Indochina with the fear that Thailand might use the purchased NA-68 against France in the Indochina, causing Thailand to look for alternative fighters, resulting in the purchasing of Ki-30, Ki,-21, and Ki-27.

As of currently, the displaying P-64 in Thailand are the recreation made through the utilization of T-6 Texan training craft components.
เครื่องบินขับไล่แบบ P-64 (NA-68) และ A-27 (NA-69) ของกองทัพอากาศไทยที่มาไม่ถึงเมืองไทย | “รัชต์ รัตนวิจารณ์” ท้าวทองไหล (
Sompong Nondhasa’s Facebook
Well depending on wether china gets the M1A2T then well it would be more or less fair if this were to come to japan that japan would get the VT-4
Just my honest opinion