Title say’s it. But to explain.
Our current tutorial’s are a bit dated and don’t really explain much in term’s of actual combat and tactic’s. (Energy fighting or hull down)
Reworking these would improve how new player’s play the game and possibly teach older player’s different play style’s.
Vehicle tutorial’s: Vehicle tutorial’s are what they sound like. Tutorial’s for playing certain vehicle’s.
These tutorials would help player’s understand their vehicles strength’s and weakness’s as well as their effectiveness in combat.
(Vehicle tutorial’s=VT)
The main reason for VT’s would be to alleviate the amount of people that rush in and die instantly with newly acquired tanks. (Top tier prem’s notably)
Edit: These tutorial’s would start off with only certain vehicle’s. Most notably the one’s people tend to play without knowing there strength’s.
(To save on time and resources, Near similar tank’s will get the same tutorial’s)