Should There Be A Huge Update That Focuses On Bugs?

The title says it. Instead of having fancy updates that brings more and more awful bugs why not just have an update focuses on fixing bugs? Fixing from ghost shells to bushes with weird hit boxes to glitchy graphics to maps made for spawn camping.



Will we get it? No.


No thanks.

I could quite easily pass on a number of additions (but not all) to get existing vehicles up to the point they should be.

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Should there, yes.

Will there? No.


Not everyone at Gaijin works on fixing bugs.

Should they prioritize fixing the existing bugs and gameplay problems like game modes, even at the cost of slowing vehicle addition updates? I would like that.

Will it happen? No

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How about an update that just doesn’t have so many bugs? I mean what is the point of the dev server?

We get these bug fix updates over 30 times a year.
Vehicle production team can’t do bug fixing.