Should the rank research penalty be reduced?

To explain.

Each rank can only “effectively” research one rank above and below. The farther away from your researching vehicle, the lower the rewards basically. (Except for premium vehicles that can research everything below them.)

Here’s the multiplier picture.

Should the rewards for researching vehicles at farther rank’s be reduced to a “moderate” amount?

This would help to spread out the grind to more of the br’s instead of just top tier with premium vehicles. (Which promotes odl’s) while also allowing people to play the vehicles they like while grinding.

Here’s what the reduced rewards might look like. (forgot the - put you get it){Also 2 version’s depending on what looks better)


rankFirst version
rankversion 2

And to keep the GE flowing to the snail. This could also be a premium account only system.


Gaijin does not reduce grind.


Everything is good except this.


eh, true. mostly through that in there for the snail’s incentive lol

This sorta defeats the point of buying expensive high-tier premiums, which Gaijin will continue to sell. I don’t see this happening, nor do i see it necessary.


The only change I would make is making the right side of the table match the left. Seems pretty unfair that researching. Should be +1/-1 with no penalty.

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If anything, they should remove the penalty for researching Rank N-1 vehicles while playing Rank N.

This has given me significant grief trying to unlock new vehicle lines as playing rank 2 is heavily penalized by BP tasks and challenges (given you need Rank 3 to do special and medium tasks), but playing rank 3 reduces my earnings by 10%.

The only way I got around this was the PBM mariner in sim to unlock the american strike fighter line at long last.


I understand why people don’t like the penalty’s, but they do serve some purpose.

From a players perspective, low tier’s being able to research higher with less penalty would encourage seal clubbing grinding. It’d also mean newer players can skip over more ranks and missing out on the valuable experience that comes with playing them as they climb the tree.

From the snails perspective, cheap lower tier premiums become much more valuable than their cost, and high tier squadron vehicles can just be Talisman’d for a much cheaper alternative to high rank premiums.



Would a solution be to have rank’s 1-2 or 1-3 have the current system and ranks 3 or 4+ have the new system? This would at least alleviate low tier clubbing for grinding tree’s

Don’t really understand this one tbh? There is still a research penalty for not using the right rank of vehicles. Just to a lesser degree to allow people to grind with what they want. (Instead of for example having only clickbate’s and f-4S’s that odl)

Wouldn’t the solution to this to also just increase or decrease the premium vehicle’s cost?(To a reasonable amount) (this would “in turn” make it harder to get lower tier vehicles but also alleviate the lost cash flow from less people buying top tier premiums



Not necessarily. High tier premiums will still have the best reward modifiers and will still cost the most.
This change would allow lower tier premiums and such to close the distance and basically be of more use to people who like the lower tier vehicle’s.

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Out of context this is glorious.